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ktdkzone created a topic of Wet Sand

"TJ and Ian are toxic" HELL YEAH gimme that TOXIC yaoi where they're so obsessed and can't live without each other I'm here to eat it all up.

ktdkzone created a topic of Wet Sand

The amount of people who are slut shaming Ian is crazy.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Man it's actually sad as we can see Jaekyung actually trusts Dan enough to not to fire him despite seeing the photos, but damn the other team is indeed trying so hard to frame Dan at any cost. Like it's really sad how poor Dan literally was doing everything he could to protect jjk. Hate Jumin and his cheating ass team from the bottom of my heart.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

I really hope Jaekyung wins this match lol yes he deserves to be humbled but in a fair game not where the opponent is a fucking dirty cheater! Jumin and his trashy team really pissed me off bruh!

ktdkzone created a topic of Yours to Claim

Bro ngl the name Canis Lupus will never not be unserious lmfao.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Finally tomorrow is jinx day! Wow 10 days felt sooner this time.

ktdkzone created a topic of Yours to Claim

And ngl the funniest thing to me is bro coming to India visiting a temple and playing Holi sksjsjs I mean I didn't expect that lol.

ktdkzone created a topic of Yours to Claim

I don't think man's ever coming out of his dog mentality as he probably gonna stay loyal to his master for the rest of his life. But however it's good to see him trying to be happy and Jooin really did the right thing by letting this man go.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Just wanna say glasses definitely suit Jaekyung a lot he should wear them more often.

ktdkzone created a topic of Yours to Claim

I'm yet again here to say YAHWI IS SO PRETTY

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

I see many calling Dan stupid for not leaving Jaekyung. People need to understand that he is indebted to Jaekyung so he just can't just pack his bag and leave. Also Dan is not that kind of a person to betray Jaekyung and go to the enemy team. So yes as much as I want him to leave jjk in this situation it's not really possible for him unless jjk kicks him out himself.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

I know y'all hate jjk but please when have you ever seen him raise his hand against Dan? He has not raised his hand against him till today if you actually really observe lol. So I really don't think he would beat him up tbh. ON THAT NOTE DON'T COME HERE AND SAY OH BUT HE WOULD SA HIM BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.

ktdkzone created a topic of Yours to Claim

In the sea of all the hate comments I just wanna say both chibi Yahwi and Jooin look so adorable in the last panel. Loved this chapter!

ktdkzone created a topic of Yours to Claim

Here to say how pretty Yahwi looks with his hair down omg.He is drop dead gorgeous!

ktdkzone created a topic of Wet Sand

By looking at some peeps losing it over to see TJ and Ian's bond I really hope TJ is the endgame lmao.

ktdkzone created a topic of Wet Sand

And bro THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO MATCH when it comes TJ and Ian sex scenes GOD DAMN

ktdkzone created a topic of Wet Sand

Bro really said "I'm gonna kill them all" lmao if this is not love I dunno what is. One of the things I loved about TJ and Ian is they wouldn't hesitate to leave everything for each other and kill anyone for each other. THAT'S FUCKING HOT BRO.

ktdkzone created a topic of Yours to Claim

Here to say Yahwi looks so hot and sexy with his hair down.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

People who think Dan's gonna be free as soon as grand ma dies are dumb af lmao I mean do you not understand Dan's gotta stay with Jaekyung to pay him off his debt with or without grandma. I seriously think some of the peeps don't even read and comprehend the chaps properly lol.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

I don't know about y'all but really get a very bad feeling from this Baek Jumin guy lmao dunno it seems like he is someone who wouldn't mind to play unfair to win and I don't want jjk to lose that way (yeah I want him to lose but in a fair way)