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Rie_07 September 3, 2015 2:36 pm

Oh god! Luffy got so many new allies!!! Waoowww!!!! I can't say anything. Hahahahaha another admiral who got curious about Luffy!! I can't wait to see next chap!!! Please Luffy, accept them all! It will be cooler if all Shirohige allies joint him too.

Rie_07 August 17, 2015 5:34 pm

I feel so hurt and sad after reading chap when haise said that they will disguise themself as ghoul. It's really rude when he said it, coz we already know in first manga that he already accept himself as a ghoul then now when he lost all his memories, he despise every ghoul and look down on them.
Sensei when will we see haise memories back????
I think when he regain his memory it will hurt him badly knowing that for two years he hunt and kill a ghoul.

    Etro August 18, 2015 4:35 am

    who said he despise ghouls? And MORE IMPORTANTLY WHO SAID HE LOOKS DOWN ON THEM? You clearly dont know wat you are talking about

    Rie_07 August 18, 2015 7:54 am

    Oh sorry, that just my own opinion. So is that wrong if I think like that?

    Sora August 18, 2015 1:39 pm
    Oh sorry, that just my own opinion. So is that wrong if I think like that? Rie_07

    I think that getting a ghoul mask is another step towards Haise getting his memories back and returning to become Kaneki again :) The first step was when he first fought Nishiki-senpai and that was just the tip of the iceberg. And Haise respects SOME ghouls in a way. When Hinami-chan saved him he made sure that no other doves got to her and kept her alive, even if she is locked up at the CCG ghoul prison.

    kira.yani August 21, 2015 10:20 am

    just like ^^ they said, haise doesn't despise or look down on them. in fact he's looked down on for worrying about them and not wanting to use excessive force if they aren't fighting back or are already captured. he believes it's cruel for them to be treated unfairly. i think if you re read it then you'll understand that he doesn't.

Rie_07 August 17, 2015 5:16 pm

I just rewatch season 10 (Thriller bark arc), after watch it I have a little assumption about lola's mom. I think her mom is Yonkou Big Mom. I made this coz lola said that her mom is a great pirates in New World. It will be a complicated and akward arc if luffy met her and after a big battle she finally know that her daughter were saving by luffy.

    Anonymous August 17, 2015 7:32 pm

    I've heard a lot of people make this assumption, but appart from the fact of being a woman and a strong pirate in the new world, we don't know other connections between Lola's mom and Big Mom.
    But, from the few times she has been mentioned, I have the impresion that Big Mom is a bad/cruel person, or at least a very greedy and selfish person. And, I want to think Lola's mother is nice. Still, it could be...

    Rie_07 August 17, 2015 7:45 pm
    I've heard a lot of people make this assumption, but appart from the fact of being a woman and a strong pirate in the new world, we don't know other connections between Lola's mom and Big Mom.But, from the few... @Anonymous

    Yes, and it's only my assumption. we never know how will Oda sensei create the full appearance of big mom. Oda-sensei is the master to make everything in One Piece linked with each story, likes shanks who is Gol D Roger crew, Koala from revolutionary army who actually a kids that saved by sun pirates. And also master of surprise just like with Kaido, when I read the chapter about Law tell strawhat crew about Kaido, I thought he is a moster and cruell, sadist type more than dofflamingo but then after Oda sensei made his first appearance I was like... Ha? is that really Kaido?? the beast???... But he was totally far from my imagination.
    So I'll just wait untill Oda-sensei draw Big Mom and what kind of surprise he will give us.

    Anonymous August 18, 2015 9:32 pm
    Yes, and it's only my assumption. we never know how will Oda sensei create the full appearance of big mom. Oda-sensei is the master to make everything in One Piece linked with each story, likes shanks who is Go... Rie_07

    You are so right! Oda always goes beyond our imagination... So, anything could happen. I really want to see who Kaido and Big Mom will surprise us :P

    Anonymous August 18, 2015 9:33 pm
    You are so right! Oda always goes beyond our imagination... So, anything could happen. I really want to see who Kaido and Big Mom will surprise us :P @Anonymous

    who = how* ,sorry

    Rie_07 August 19, 2015 1:37 pm
    You are so right! Oda always goes beyond our imagination... So, anything could happen. I really want to see who Kaido and Big Mom will surprise us :P @Anonymous

    Me too. can't wait for the new chapter and arc

Rie_07 August 17, 2015 3:57 pm

so everything start with the words said by that b*tch. Shiro didn't want being touch or to be touched coz he scared that people will know what he's doing and think. And to make it worse is his father action and words about he'll know everything in shiro head just by touch him. Poor Shirotani.

    Biru langit August 17, 2015 4:22 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yakuza Girl

    Now that you mentioned it.. it was true! Hahah
    first i was just like 'well isnt it normal the child wanted to marry their mom/dad. I mean they are only child need someone to look up to'.

    The comment was like thunderbolt struck him tho. Did not especially made him into guy instead make him turn himself away from people.

    Rie_07 August 17, 2015 4:25 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Yakuza Girl

    Well about his feel to his father I think it's just a normal love from kids to their parent. Also, he only life with his father for long time (just my own assumption). lot of kids with single parent always have an intimate relationship until we call it like fathercomplex or mother complex, coz they always share everything only between both of them. So, It's not wrong for shiro said that he love his father but that girl just too childish and want to have shiro's dad for herself so when she hear shiro said that he only need his dad and love him, the girl just got angry from some useless thing. And just like shiro's dad said, that girl have same cirtumtance with them but I think it's more complicated like both her parents didn't care about their own daughter so she want shiro's dad for her own.
    Yes, her comment is the beginning of every sad thing that happen to shiro.
    And I think his dad married that girl (my own assumption again) that's why shiro didn't want to pick the phone from his home.

    Rie_07 August 17, 2015 4:32 pm
    Now that you mentioned it.. it was true! Hahahfirst i was just like 'well isnt it normal the child wanted to marry their mom/dad. I mean they are only child need someone to look up to'. The comment was like thu... Biru langit

    Yes, a lot of kids always said something like that. Me too, when I still a kid I always said I'm gonna married with my cousins because he always play with me and give me so much affection but then when I grow up and remember it, I feel so embarassed when my parents teased me about that. So it just something a kids with single parent do.

    Biru langit August 17, 2015 5:12 pm
    Yes, a lot of kids always said something like that. Me too, when I still a kid I always said I'm gonna married with my cousins because he always play with me and give me so much affection but then when I grow u... Rie_07

    I know i know... the feeling about one closest with us when we were child~ i really like my uncle (we're just 4 years apart) cuz he's kind and handsome. never told anyone tho..
    for me i wanted to marry someone like my parent and have family like they did.ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Rie_07 August 17, 2015 5:22 pm
    I know i know... the feeling about one closest with us when we were child~ i really like my uncle (we're just 4 years apart) cuz he's kind and handsome. never told anyone tho..for me i wanted to marry someone l... Biru langit

    Hahaha, Me too. I always think that I want a husband who just like my dad.

    And about tadaomi's love I believe that just a normal love between family but that girl make tadaomi think it as a romantic feeling and it was wrong for him to love his own dad.

    Biru langit August 17, 2015 6:08 pm

    God bless us.. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ praise the Lord

    Yep.. i thought so too.. that girl really seriously need learn some attitude! There is definitely some screw loose in her head. Aand if the father did nothing after all the change from his son (and maybe married her) he need some slaps in the butt!
    really.. poor the child.. shiro..

    CutiieBunniie August 17, 2015 6:45 pm

    reading this conversation made me realize a lot of things about the relationship shiro had with his dad because I did honestly think he loved his dad in an intimate way and then someone mentioned father complex and then everything cleared up. but rereading the chapter again this came up and was basically the start of his mysophobia

    in this page you can see that shiro acually played with himself (since his hands are wet and his pants are off) while listening to the girl and his dad. so that got me thinking again that maybe he loved his dad more then we thought he did....... maybe......?

    Rie_07 August 17, 2015 7:54 pm
    reading this conversation made me realize a lot of things about the relationship shiro had with his dad because I did honestly think he loved his dad in an intimate way and then someone mentioned father complex... CutiieBunniie

    Yes, we never know if shiro love his father in family view or romantic until sensei tell us the whole story.

    And we have our own opinion. it's only from my point of view like when she ask shiro if he wants a new mother but he just reject it flatly and saying he love his dad and wants to marry him but he said it with a plain face and there is no trace of blushing or smiling face. I think he just blurt it because he didn't like her to disturb their happy and peace life. But then everything change coz that girl comment saying his feeling for his own dad are disgusting that make his view about his love toward his dad change to a romantic way.

Rie_07 July 24, 2015 10:58 am

When Fujimichi-san said that he doen't know Kyoko's father real name, I think Her father someone from showbiz too.. Well people always used their stage name only in entertainment industies or if they're work as novelist or writer. But when Fujimichi-san said that Kyoko get her intelligent brain not only for her mother but also her father, I really think that his father is a really famous actor. But all of itu just my assumption.

    bakaotaku34 July 24, 2015 12:44 pm

    exactly my thoughts, but then who could that be you know? DO you think the mangaka will introduce another famous actor?

    secrets... July 24, 2015 5:24 pm
    exactly my thoughts, but then who could that be you know? DO you think the mangaka will introduce another famous actor? bakaotaku34

    on this page mentions an artist promoter called mr. D. I personally hope/ thing that's her father. (⌒▽⌒)
    In the future Kyoko will defently meet this man! Can't wait!

    Rie_07 July 24, 2015 6:27 pm
    exactly my thoughts, but then who could that be you know? DO you think the mangaka will introduce another famous actor? bakaotaku34

    I think sensei will do that. Just when he make kuu appear.
    But everything just an assumption we really don't now what sensei will do with the plot about kyoko's father. Just can't wait to see when Kyoko's father finally appear.

    R@1n July 25, 2015 3:38 am this page mentions an artist promoter called mr. D. I personally hope/ thing that's her father. (⌒▽⌒) In the future Kyoko will defently meet t... @secrets...

    I could see where you have that from. I think Sensei tend to plant the info randomly. Kind like hints that she hope someone will point to it when she revealed all.

    bakaotaku34 July 25, 2015 1:53 pm
    I think sensei will do that. Just when he make kuu appear. But everything just an assumption we really don't now what sensei will do with the plot about kyoko's father. Just can't wait to see when Kyoko's fathe... Rie_07

    I think that "secrets" is right I bet that the famous Mr D.
    Or maybe you are right, we never know for real, I just hope that we get to know who he is and that the matter will not be burried by her mother or something...
    And for her mother to react like that about kyoko, he must have been a pretty bad guy or maybe did something similar to what Sho did... if thats the case that will not excuse her awful behaviour towards her daughter anyway

    wdjkwdjqjdjwd August 9, 2015 12:02 am
    perhaps his father is shuhei houzu but i'm only guessing… i started reading it again and this thing captured my attention...

    Anonymous August 24, 2015 7:24 pm

    I'm probably being annoying but...
    I liked Kuu as a father figure for Kyoko <3

Rie_07 July 15, 2015 2:46 pm

This new chapter make me cry, seiing the fact that Sabo lost his memory and regain it because of Ace death. I'm crying while read it. Still can't move on from ace death. Everytime I see his pict it always make me shed my tears...

Rie_07 July 13, 2015 2:00 pm

I want to say thank you to the scanlator, translator and the uploader. Thank you to make us able to read the newest chapter. *Deep Bow

Rie_07 July 2, 2015 10:27 am

Since the first time I collect naruto until now, this question always comes up in my mind. The title is Naruto so the kid have the same name but all the story always talks about uchiha this and uchiha that. And in this new serial since the first chap until now it containt story about uchiha. so when will we see the story about Naruto???
And I think Sasuke personalities change too much.

Rie_07 June 28, 2015 3:50 pm

Argh, the more I follow and read each chapter it makes me more confused. Sensei always make each arc half done then start a new arc without finish the previous one. So everytime I saw a new chapter I can't linked it with the previous one.

Rie_07 June 16, 2015 11:46 am

I think this will be like another plot about uchiha's finding their true identity or selfsatisfaction with a lot of dramas and excuses. And getting involve with something that will disrupt a peaceful day in ninjas world. Don't make us going in a big circle again.

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