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Hajun created a topic of The Moon-Painting Alchemist

I find it funny how both horny and thirsty they are sometimes but manage to control themselves from fucking LMAOOO props to the seme HAVING CONTROL like bare minimum but still

Hajun created a topic of Sketch

Holy fuck are the sex scenes soo good

Hajun created a topic of ARTS MANZ

How tight are those shorts cus wtf

Hajun created a topic of Metropolitan Nepenthes

This was good if you skip the rape scenes, they were unnecessary but like I actually liked the plot cus it was pretty okay...? Uke has atleast a good personality and u can understand his actions pretty well, although it was stupid he got scared for stealing a bag of chips but that's the point! It was such a small thing that changed his life forever but literally I like the couple

Hajun answered question about tried to kill yourself
Well yes and no, idk theres like a conflict rn in my country with China where they try to take over our seas and whatnot (forgive me Filipinos I am not up to date with this) and I don't like them for that cus our fisherman trynna live!! I like it's culture and stuff, but there's a few stuff China needs to fix, specially it's treatment to their wome......
Hajun followed question about question

Could be similar face features or similar personality.

20 days
Hajun asked question about question

Could be similar face features or similar personality.

Hajun created a topic of Trophy Wives

My friend told me I looked like the idk the guy from chapt 36 like NO IT DOESN'T mildly offended they got it from this smutty ahh manhwa...

Hajun answered question about question
Chicken size elephant I finally can feed my entire neighbourhood and make a business out of it
Hajun created a topic of Marigold Dilemma

Ngl the only fucked up bl I actually liked cus they're both fucked up, I don't like the others cus those shi just romantcize or fetishize R@pe

Hajun answered question about question
I'm basically a future teacher and yeah I'm satisfied, I've been already a practice teachers and kids loved me!! Though it had to end sadly but before my practice teaching ended, kids started to give me gifts! It was so kind of them :DD A kid struggled to give me a dumbbell LMAO he told me "Sir, for ur muscles make them bigger so we twin when I'm......
Hajun answered question about question
It's a thirst trap pic of myself...
Hajun created a topic of Today's Fortune

The ending could have been done better cus like it was actually kinda good? I expected more angst and stuff when he said "that's right u are a coward" like blah blah he saying stuff then idk stuff happens cus I-

Hajun created a topic of Exclusive Scandal

Gonna let this marinate till official translations because it's translated by that site and knowing them pretty sure it cut some panels, the translations abit off sometimes too but oh well illegal site

Hajun created a topic of A One Time Mistake

I feel so bad for the uke dude just mistook him for another customer now he's gonna spend the rest of his life as a sex slave, it's kinda sad how this could actually happen irl too with prostitutes. It's a pretty accurate of what a gangster would actually do, like they are shitty men.

Hajun created a topic of Dog Fur Romance

Dumb top? Tired bottom? Perfection. I love me some himbos

Hajun created a topic of Nevermind the Us

I tried to search about it everywhere and it isn't even here Idk where these people had their description about this manhwa

Hajun answered question about be a dumb bitch
In the daytime, I'm Hajun Just a normal straight man with a normal straight life But there's something about me that no one knows yet Cause I have a secret Another day, I'm back at school I think about him, he's so cool He looks at me, I look away But does he see me anyway Oh, oh, oh He's got me spinning around Oh, oh, oh My feet are off the ground......