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jinji's feed

jinji created a topic of I'll Be Here for You

im sorry but i hate the ML. He’s so fucking unreasonable. He does all that and is like “what bro r u gay?” BRO WDYM UR THE ONE WHOS ACTING LIKE THAT. AND THEN HE RAPES THE UKE BE SO FUCKING FRL im dropping this. This isnt angst or wtv ppl want to call it. This is rage bait ML is insufferable i’ve never hated a character this much in the past few years. I don’t understand his way of thinking fuck him. And fuck the MC for being such a wimp wake tf up he raped u and treated u like shit ur js gonna forgive him?? Im sorry but this shit js gets me mad. I havent seen any other comment under this BL abt this and idk why bc ML’s behavior is absolutely unhinged.