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Kawaiseme created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

As I've seen people calling heeseo a great manipulater but after close analysis of the past and now I can say he's not, because heeseo is younger than Mr Cha and can't compute things properly like he would What u guys see as manipulation is simply heeseo desperate attempt to hold on to the only thing that loves him. He craves love as he never properly got and it was quite noticable that heeson wasn't mentally ok from when he was a teenager. Who would stand on a roof and wait for people to call the cops for them to come down, that's not ok. For Mr Cha to not registered this and get heeseo help is quit bothersome. Mr Cha is a nice guy that I can say ,but he's actions on how he handles heeseo are concerning. This boy needs help fast but as we seen in chapter 1 , he never got it , leading to the pain of Mr Cha.