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poosay add 1 photos to NUT

they can pee in me anytime

pairing akutagawa x atsushi ...

  • Author: JB
  • Genres: Yaoi / Doujinshi


  • Author: Suikanotane (hashikure tarou)
  • Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Smut

he can pee in me anytime

poosay followed a goer


19 01,2024


bro i wanna be jaekyun so badly bro hes so cute

poosay followed question about being a slut

Like I get really curious on how different my life would be if I was a boy, like what would I look like? Would my hair colour and hair type still be the same? Would I be taller or shorter? Would I still be interested in the things I am now and still have the same friends?

09 01,2024

i want skylar to look at me like that too <span class="emoji emo

poosay followed question about question

Post characters you dislike for no reason AND characters that set off your red flag alert but not anyone elses'

04 01,2024