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Yuhi_sama created a topic of summer season

Here i tought i sucked at courting my crushes

Kii Saiki is enrolled in the graphics course at an art university and he's been feeling anxious...

  • Author: Serizawa tomo
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance / School Life / Shounen Ai

Second story

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Color・Collection
Yuhi_sama created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

İs this some legendary communication which hasnt been heard in yaois for centuries that i smell

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Unscented Trajectory

Some of y all are seriously brain dead litteraly justifiying every action done by the top. Like in which universe is it okay to rape and abuse someone for whatever the hell the reason may be ?

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Shota Oni

His friend gonna end up being s sex offender

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Shota Oni

Nah but like Yuu is a normal dude who would be the ideal older brother and everyone trynna turn him into a pedo like wtf is wrong with their friends

Y all keep in mind that Shizun is a very insecure person who finds himself ugly-

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Sugar Rain

Blondie's whole personnality trait is being mad all the fucking time for no reason

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Sugar Rain

The fuck he tells him to eat and then gets mad when he throws up because he ate

Also who tf feeds thst much foie gras to someone that has never eaten it before

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Continued Love

Kinda wish that the manhua makers didn't drag things like this is ruining the author's original novel which pretty much ended once they had their baby. The plot right now is lowkey cringe and just shows the characters like unresponsable and neglectfull parents, ruining the authors work

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Honey Trouble

İ just want blondie to get his happiness dude simps so hard

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Ashita wa Docchi Da!

İ like this manga s overall vibe but i wish we had more of ken's pov or at least more moments when he doesn't act like an ass, because most of the effort in their relationship is currently done by kirara who gets humiliated and treated like an idiot by ken every 30 seconds. And honnestly kirara being as sweet as he is, i think that ken should be way less harsher towards him even when he acts dumb

Like without their personal pov a tsundere just feels like an asshole. This is as if we hsd toradora but without all the moments that explored taiga s feelings and why she act the way she do

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Profundis

This was like the cuttest chapter in the whole ass story

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Pearl Boy

This story is a waste of an extremly cute couple with great chemistry and godly art

Yuhi_sama created a topic of High Clear

Why can't these bitches talk

Yuhi_sama created a topic of Our Sunny Days

İ love the mc, he is so chill and gentle

Yuhi_sama created a topic of King's Maker

Sys and Randolph are both great characters on their own but i cant see them in a relationship. Especially Sys because while he is a very interesting character he seems like a shitty lover who would sexually harass their crush till they give in just to cheat on them two days later. And Randolph ussually being a kick ass queen i just feel like it's a waste of his character to litteraly be forced into a relationship

Yuhi_sama created a topic of To My Creepy Boy

The main couple feels like the second at this point, why is there so many chapters abt the annoying red one and his hoe