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Anode created a topic of Work Love Balance


On the latest chapters director and Yiyoung talked about what director said that night. Director expressed his insecurities to Yiyoung and also he said that he wants Yiyoung to be the last relationship for him . They agreed to go for a ride tomorrow after work. Director went outside for a meeting but the meeting got delayed or something so he was going to be late and informed Yiyoung about that. Yiyoung was going home but in that moment this new idiot guy ( he should be idiot because he can't see They love each other) shows up with a car. He grabbed Yiyoung by his hand and they went drinking. I don't know guys. Before I would never thought that Yiyoung would have eyes for someone else and maybe he still don't but he is not saying it straight and clear. He should said it clear enough that he is dating and happy especially now that director said he wants him to be his last.