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haku created a topic of Jinx

delulu bish wake up you’re so damn stupid

haku created a topic of Guiding Hazard

meh i wanted their first time to be more intimate than just for the purpose of the guiding but ok
let’s see them being delulu for a little longer

haku created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

GOOOO MAXI crush riftan to the ground till he sobers up

haku created a topic of The Man At Night

woah he really made it look like having sex at work is more important to him than his partner’s comfort lol why can’t he just say his reasons or quit the two part

haku created a topic of Risky Vice
haku created a topic of Wet Sand

Ian is such a despicable character i can’t it’s like that annoying person who’s always bringing depressed mood and annoying complaining about their shitty life but does nothing to change it and only hurts people around them. like wtf you’re an adult so act like one. he acts like he wants to change but his lazy ass doesn’t.
i wanted Jo to find someone else and Ian-dick to end up with TJ but now i don’t even want TJ to have this miserable man next to him... both guys deserve better lol

haku created a topic of Jinx

Dan is so dumb im about to drop this shit

haku created a topic of My Darling Liar Boy

i don’t get why you hate the twins. they thought it was all a joke and a bet from ryuusei’s side and seeing how far it’s going they decided to save ryuusei from responsibility as they made him “lie” and save sawami from falling in love with a guy who’s lying. so i don’t blame them, actually i’d also prefer my friends to tell me the truth instead of watching and laughing at how i am made fun of

haku created a topic of Shutline

excuse me but can you just fuck now? i want to see the tattoos n piercings in the action

so umm.. is there any cheating, or even close to, bc if there is i don’t wanna start it. pls explain bc one says there is and another there isn’t

haku created a topic of Jinx

BUHAHAHAJAHAHAhaaa this dumb bish so naive and stupid

haku created a topic of Punch Drunk Love
haku created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

don’t do anything stupid sir just don’t…. oh you already did by deciding on not telling him BUT please stop ┗( T﹏T )┛

haku created a topic of Lucky Paradise

another autor-nim that needs some anatomy lessons… pls stop drawing them pussies

jinx, silent lover and other shits are still being updated so i wonder how shitty he became to the point the uploader gave up

haku created a topic of Gouman Celeb no Egoistic Sex

why are they so dramatic like calm down gays

haku created a topic of Carnal Karma

she’s forcing them to be in a weird ass “relationship” (more like harem) bc she can’t stop her pussy from eating all the dicks instead of just one but when chris has sex with another girl she’s like omg i’m hurt???? girl talk about hypocrisy, maybe now you’ll know how they all feel. chris go for the other girl, chaeyi is for the streets

I rated this 1 star out of spite for the person who rated it 5 star out of spite for the person who rated it 1 star out of spite for the other person who rated it 5 stars.

haku created a topic of Dirty XX

uke dumb, seme trash, everyone else dumb, that golf place should be burned. why tf am i reading this?

i like you so i’ll bully you, harass you, sleep around with girls because that’s logical right? right??
dumb type of shit, so tired of this