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minitoma created a topic of Profundis

You can prof un dis dick aha

minitoma created a topic of Half of Me

Heechan so fuckinfdsg hilariosys I’m rofling so hard but gosh too bad for that swole gym bro I rlly thought he’s the one (or ig in this case WON hahahahaha) for heech but hey plenty of other swole gay fish in the sea so I’m no too worried

minitoma created a topic of December

Y’all are we just gonna ignore the fact that they literally lied to their boss and coworkers about getting in a car accident so they can fuck for an entire week

minitoma followed a goer

def not a picky reader 

11 08,2023
minitoma created a topic of Profundis

At this point all these stories are just stereotypical fifty shades of grey type writing with shitty world building and character work where rape and sexual harassment and marginalization and bullying is encouraged, but then we just slap on the words dark & pSyChOLogiCaL to rationalize it like be fr y’all it’s just a shitty plot with mostly filler kinky hanky panky shit (with the sexy shmexy bonus of characters competing for who has the most tragic backstory).
Like this is not some kind of deep & profound storyline, you don’t need to glamorize it , let’s just admit that this shit isn’t psychological or romantic it’s just weird abusive sex stuff with maybe some cliche fantasy elements…. like we wouldn’t mind if these stories were just upfront about it cuz then we wouldn’t have to waste time reading it to see if it gets any fluffier or better lmao. Shame cuz the art is so pretty. Oh well. Guess I’ll just go reread some Old Fashioned Cupcake or something cuz this shit has me so mentally exhausted.

minitoma created a topic of Profundis

At this point, the whole 'psychological' genre is just a dogwhistle for problematic stuff these days man.
Like y'all this whole guide/esper system is just a bleak, gay yaoi fantasy reinforcement of the patriarchy, where the guides are the replacement for women… like replace every time they say “guide” with “women” and like you’ll see so many similarities. “Guides are just meant to be pampered and wait at home until we return, their sole purpose is to provide us with intimacy” “at least guides are treated better than livestock” “a guide like you wouldn’t understand what we’re talking about”. Like guides are such an essential part of the system, without them espers are virtually useless, yet they seem to simultaneously be the most objectified, mistreated class of humans, treated like subhuman sex workers who’s only purpose is to stay out of the way and suck peoples dicks. Like y’all this is some patriarchal misogynistic bullshit. That’s why when the mc is exasperated after the blondie reveals his true agenda and the mc says “all espers are the same” to me it felt like he was saying “all men are the same” and that shit hits so hard. Like he’s realizing that no matter what as long as he’s a guide he’ll continue to be treated subhuman and be objectified and secualized without consent. MC is SOOO tired—not tired of his brother, but this fucked up system where he'll always be treated like shit! Like that hot boy “harem” y’all are talking about? That’s actually just the Old Boys’ Club, full of entitled, privileged, wealthy men who treat guides like subhuman prostitutes who always feel the need to shove their insecure hypermasculinity onto other people!! Also, they always blame the guides for the low 2% compatibility match thingy, but what if this is just an allegory about fertility where men always blame women for fertility issues yet refuse to reflect whether they are the problem causing these issues? Like maybe it’s the espers fault for being assholes who treat guides like subhuman sex machines, and that’s why their compatibility is so bad and that’s why their relationships with guides always end up failing?? Like yeah no shit their guides always end up quitting their jobs and running away!!! Y’all like why do women/marginalized groups still have to be fucked over even in these made up fantasy worlds like let’s be more creative y’all. It’s wild to me that a woman wrote this like you guys pls have some higher standards for yourself like this system is bullshit and these men are such fucking assholes they are not attractive one bit !!! But idk maybe the mc gets revenge or whatever in the end, but I’m just gonna stop reading cuz this shit has me so mentally exhausted and just so frustrated.