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KonekoKitty October 4, 2019 10:14 pm


I read a yaoi manga quite a bit ago that was really good story wise. I have been trying to find it again and I simply can't remember what it was called. Below will be a summary so if you know it and want to help me find it, it'll be appreciated!!

My Summary:

So this dark haired boy was taken in by this well to do family when he lost his family. He was taken in to he part if the staff. He was young and played with the rich family's son, a blondie. Anyways, something happened and the blondie was sent away for school and the boy (basically a servant/butler) was supposed to be thrown out and fired. The head butler (an older gentleman) couldn't bring himself to kick out the boy and kept him instead. He was never to see the young master again.

Fast forward a few years down the line. The young butler servant does his tasks and basically stays out of the way ( I think he had gotten injured or something either in the past or present ) unknown to the boy, the young master returns to the house grown up into a good looking man ( he loves hot chocolate) the young master thinks the boy died or something. So one night the servant stumbles upon the young master asleep and by the time the young master wakes up, there is a hot coco on his nightstand. Eventually the young master finds out he was lied to and that the boy that had been his friend was not dead (or kicked out....pretty sure he was badly injured as kids....the orphan that was taken in I mean) some things happen and yadda yadda big drama unfolds which causes the servant boy/butler to run away into the forests where I think he sprains his ankle. Eventually the young master finds him and they take shelter in a cave.....


That's all I can recall. It was a very good manga and I really enjoyed it, so if anyone knows what it's called, let me know please and thankyou!!!

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