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Takigoscfyg created a topic of Mary Jane

I'd let Crack do unspeakable things to me because damn..just look at him..(灬º‿º灬)♡

It's so wholesome tho I think the relationship between friends to fwb quickly evolved, I'm not complaining

Takigoscfyg created a topic of Jinx

DESERVED. I hoped he would lose, but a tie is good too. Man, Kim Dan.. YOU'RE AN ADULT. LEAVE THIS MAN.

Takigoscfyg created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
Takigoscfyg add manga to list To read

The story follows Bum, a young mentally ill man with a difficult past. After becoming infatuated wit...

  • Author: koogi
  • Genres: Mature / Psychological / Horror / Drama / Webtoons
Takigoscfyg created a topic of Jinx

This Joo fuck horse is a walking red flag. I hope Kim Dan will throw him the same as Joo did with that key thing

Takigoscfyg created a topic of Jinx

Hell nah, that horse ahh looking betch is finally in sufferings. I hope someone will fucking cut off his limbs.