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Nyfdrgh created a topic of Limited Run

Kawaii!! Aww rabbits, foxes and dogs as servants.

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Gig of the Day

uff.. At least the piggy bank is safe

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Gig of the Day

Aww the cutie is happy singing while sweeping the floor. That is so precious. He is really happy. His smile is everything to me.

lbh if The ML wants friends with benefits, better to tell him honestly at this stage of the story than later. Feel bad for the MC because he is looking so much for love due to abandonment, but I really hope the MC can love himself more. He has worked hard enough.

Nyfdrgh answered question about question
-cutting out sugar -drinking green tea (not as crazy because it stains the teeth. But 2 per week is ok and drink water to disolve it) -mosturizer
Nyfdrgh created a topic of Work Love Balance

New guy is Kang’s friend and younger. His name is Ha Doyeon. He came to visit Kang because he left the company and Doyeon is a shareholder.
Kang is not happy about the sudden visit and wants to talk with Yiyoung.

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Gig of the Day

Seeing this kind of ML jealous is going to be one of the most satisfactory things in the whorestory of bl. He is going to regret it. This your canon event, no way to change it.

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Debut or Die

Moondae looks like a schipperke dog.
I just learned there is an actual dog called hmong dog.

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Truth or Dare

The betrayal hurt me so much I dropped it. It was sad

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Darkness Before The Dawn

This should be called Darkness before the rain.

So sad the MC really was looking for someone to love him and could’t get it at the end

Nyfdrgh created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

It was seen since long time. He is that type of abusive boyfriend that doesn’t want you to talk with anyone because he gets jealous. One of the worst types. I feel bad for Sooyoung, taking advantage of his vulnerability is not ok. Hope he ends with someone normal.

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Limited Run

I encourage the author to make AU stories if she wants. But I would love love if they continue making side stories of the main story. They just got together and pum... the end. I refuse to believe that’s the ending. And how it sounds in the creator’s note, the author wanted to draw them together as a fluffy established couple. I’m confused

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Gig of the Day

I’m worried about Yeomin and the future of the piggy bank

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Gig of the Day

Aww. Yeomin thinking about breaking the piggy bank so he can give the ml food and drinks T.T That’s adorable and sad,

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Necromancer Survival

Lackey the cutest of the cutest!!
I admit I skipped when they had a new contract and went to a new world ε-(´・`) フ

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Dreadful Night

Other theory I had been thinking is that every character is given a skill. Like Doha the skill to kill the killer and Bada the skill to know the rules of game. I'm not a gamer, but I kind of remember that in those type of games they give the characters skills like : Good luck, premonition or awarness to increase their survival rate.

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Dreadful Night

-Doha looks genuine about not remembering making noodles for Bada, so maybe he is a player like the rest. But I think he is a natural serial killer. A serial killer trapped in a serial killer game.

-Other theory, all of them are trapped because of the revenge of someone. Doha? Or other character? Their original bodies did something in the real world and now they are suffering, kind of like Black Mirror.

-Doha being the dev or admin theory is possible, but I don’t bet on that. But it is weird he knows hidden passages in the walls.

Something for sure is that Doha is obsessed with Bada and he doesn’t plan to end this soon.

Nyfdrgh created a topic of ENNEAD

I don’t know what is going below, but I”ll quote what the author said in twitter about the couples long time ago in 2022. I interpreted that Horus is the main lead and endgame. You have the right to interpret it as you want. Myself don’t understand metaphors well.

“ Ennead is a whole cake that combines the largest piece of cake called Horus and the smaller pieces of cake called Osiris, the foreign god, and Anubis. It's all Ennead's taste, so enjoy... If my cake doesn't suit your taste, there are many cakes from other artists, so buy and eat the one that suits your taste... My recipe is fixed and cannot be changed.”
“ In Korea, there is a BL genre called ‘Dagong Ilsu’ where several tops woo one bottom. Now it's just FG's turn. Ennead was a work of that genre from the beginning”

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Dreadful Night

Where is the other brown hair guy?

Nyfdrgh created a topic of Gig of the Day

One of the official tags is regretful seme TT. I think he is going to make our MC suffer. I love how airhead he is and precious. He must be protected.