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Mr.Tony created a topic of Nerd Project

What the mom said after Andrew left was kinda selfish. Talking about how her son acted infront of her like it ruined her reputation isn’t a good thing. And I know your mom and dad didn’t take care of you and neglected you but seeing the fact you recognized that is happening is now your responsibility to step up and take care of yourself. It’s a hard thing to do but you can’t blame the people around you for how you turned out of you didn’t try and pick yourself up.

Mr.Tony asked a question

does anyone know something in the omega universe thats sweet but has a good plot. Kinda like Define the Relationship or Shutline(I know its not a omega one but still)? I just need to find something else to read so I don't cry for hours after Define the Relationship ends.

Mr.Tony created a topic of Jinx

Three things. I know it would be great for J to
Lose but that would make him mad and he would release it one everyone around him. Second, Potato could have helped Dan but I think he may say something after everything has been resolved. Three, Dan is a grown man and he shouldn’t be talk down like this. And he shouldn’t see himself had helpless and weak. He can stand his own ground like we saw when that other bitch tried to get him to join the other gym. Overall Jaekyung is stressed as hell and it wouldn’t help if he lost and Dan should at least try and hold his own.

Mr.Tony created a topic of Jinx

Can people stop doing this shit to the black team. Like god damn let them go a match and for god sake Jaekyung better protect Dan from that Mr. Choi guy.

Mr.Tony created a topic of Define The Relationship

No joke thought it would be this chapter. It felt so short man! After I saw to he continued I dead ass stopped my music out my phone and ear buds down and started started ranting in an Italian accent and British accent for the next 5 minutes. I’m not even Italian. Or British!! Almost threw my phone across the room at 1 am

Mr.Tony created a topic of Nerd Project
Mr.Tony created a topic of Jinx

I know Jaekyung is a jackass but why is he getting bashed on this chapter all he said was no to a massage. And also i don’t think the offer was good either it sounded like a scam seeing how the guy started yelling at Dan right after he started leaving.

Mr.Tony created a topic of Payback

I was like " Did he just find out" And went to slam my face into my bed but I accidently pushed my phone up and slammed the corner or my phone onto my cheek bone. Help me.

Mr.Tony created a topic of Jinx

Was the gandma a boxer too? She has cauliflower ears

Mr.Tony created a topic of Jinx

SHIT I THINK IM IN THE NWRONG COMMENT SECTION. IM OVER HERE SINGING "LET IT DIE" BECAUSE GOD DAMN MAN LIFE IS DONE ALREADY ALSO SAYING "We got to go bald". Also i still cheer for Jaekyung but I swear if he dont get his are checked he is really going ti get fucked.

Mr.Tony created a topic of Nerd Project

From what I said early about how “Andrew needs to find a new way to keep kissing him” I think he found another way

Mr.Tony created a topic of Nerd Project

Is it just me or is the story 10x better when Andrew and Luke are with each other

Mr.Tony created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Ik I said “can we speed up the dying process to get back to the normal stuff but like….i was not ready for that no joke said, “ohhh…

Mr.Tony created a topic of Payback

Ok I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. Over here doing somersault in my fucking bed while feel hella sad bc of this while listening to a song that is way to hyped up

Mr.Tony created a topic of Nerd Project


Mr.Tony created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung said he needs to be his health thing but every time he gives him advice he doesn’t take it also I just realized I have almost the same resting bitch face that Jaekyung has

Mr.Tony created a topic of Cry Me a River

Wasn’t ready for that last panel

Mr.Tony created a topic of Nerd Project
Mr.Tony created a topic of Nerd Project

So like…I
Saw there was a place holder. Will the uploaded keep uploading officials up to 26 or just skip to 26? I want to know so I can decide if I want to read the next two chapters instead of waiting

Mr.Tony add manga to list SHIT I READ

As the son of King Yeom-ra of the underworld, Jae-shin has lived a hedonistic life full of ever-chan...

  • Author: Ananas
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Drama / Historical