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ohkae add 1 photos to art
ohkae add 1 photos to character

the spear looks cool

ohkae add 1 photos to character

look like a cat=like fish???

ohkae add 1 photos to character

food food. food. friendship=food

ohkae add 1 photos to character

mc and his relationships haha

ohkae add 1 photos to character

"the basics. the basics are important" reminds me of my friend..

ohkae add 1 photos to good points
ohkae add 1 photos to good points

lol. mc didn't say the "let's" be friends speech haha.

ohkae add 1 photos to good points

each character is unique and walk their own path

ohkae add 1 photos to character

each character makes sense too

ohkae add 1 photos to character

it makes sense why he have these skills

ohkae add 1 photos to good points

each character is unique

ohkae add 1 photos to character

each character is unique

ohkae add 1 photos to good points

solid basics

ohkae add 1 photos to character

so he's not a simp..?