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TylerDurden's feed

TylerDurden created a topic of Jinx

And I LOVE Mingwa's art style. Absolutely beautiful. I kinda wish we had more panels of the "MFC" fight. But, I know that's not the focus.

Kim Dan not remembering being in heat from the aphrodisiac is pretty annoying. It's always a nice treat to see the bottom take charge and enjoy sex for once. For him to suddenly have amnesia about it is like a slap in the face.

AND...(last rant) I understand why KD would fall for JK but I hate how KD is so....sweet about it. I wish there was more tension between them, more rejection from KD, more of a push and pull dynamic. Wouldn't that be so much more interesting than the typical weak vs. strong BL trope?

I've said it before , KD could totally wreck JK emotionally if he wasn't so nice. Mingwa definitely has JK way overpowered. Make him stagger, goddammit! I hope his shoulder injury gets worse so we can see some vulnerability from him soon.