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TylerDurden created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I'm hoping the author dives more into Cirrus's possessiveness and jealousy because that kind of behavior doesn't stop overnight and once the full pandora's box opens on that, the door can open for even more character development.

I'd also like to see more development with Skylar and not just how Cirrus sees him. I want to know how Skylar really feels and if he'll ever share his own middle school trauma with Cirrus. Not to mention, Skylar does seem to have similar anger issues, only he's much more independent and not as impulsive as Cirrus is.

They could be a great pair. But they could also really, really hurt each other. I love how layered each character is and I really hope the author doesn't cheap out and cliche the story up into simple boys love. It's so much more than that for me. Fingers crossed. I'm enjoying this one so much ╥﹏╥