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Syndala January 18, 2019 7:44 am

Hey guys,

I have a sudden notion to read a manga (Yaoi or Shounen-ai) where one guy picks up another guy who sleeps on the streets/is injured or something similar. Whether the picked up guy is a shot yakuza, prostitute without a client or a drunk or something else I don't really mind. But I don't really know which tag I search for, so I ask you guys. Thanks in advance!

Syndala January 11, 2019 1:08 pm

Hello everyone, I wanted to re-read the following manga:
Seme and uke are childhood friends. Uke got left by his family and lives alone. While he has sex with the seme his sisters leaves her newborn son at the doorstep ("I will tell mom and dad what I saw, so please... wink"). The the school boys care for the baby together. Seme tries to be serious with the uke, but uke is afraid because of fear of abondenment (thank you family). There even is a time skip, son now in love with his uncle whilst a friend of his tries to win him over. Son accepts that seme is the right guy for his uncle and gets together with friend. Everyone happy. Now I only need the damn title...:) So please everyone!:)

Syndala December 5, 2018 6:08 am

I can't find it and it is driving me nuts. It is about a father and bis adopted son. The son is in love with the father but hides it and instead has sex with bis friends (male x male x female threesome). Later in we find out that the father is an assassin and saved him in the job AS an infant. After father found out his son is bi (leaning to gay) he is strangeky supportive. Even buys gay porn mags while they are on the run.
Please, I am dying to re-read this!

Syndala December 3, 2018 8:27 pm

Have you guys any recommendations for a yaoi with a slutty student/player and a teacher who is trying to get him back in right path? Just read bordeline and it had a simila story, but only two chapters:(

Syndala October 10, 2018 12:50 pm

I'm very curious for this manga.

Does someone know the title? Or any recommendations for something along the line (tatooed/pierced, Queen Uke)?

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