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onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
i wake up every day hoping there is a spreading plague that only kills men over 40. the thought that men can look at a girl decades younger than them and think they want to have sex with her makes me sick to my stomach. i hate that barely legal is one of the most popular corn categories and i hate that seeing a girl getting assaulted with the title......
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
Man. It just doesn't feel good to kill a bear but it would as hell feel good to kill a man.
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
teenage boys/manchild who have 'dark humor' bro that ain't even dark humor that's just straight up being sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic etc. "the joke is like water, not everybody could get it" how about i punch you in the gut while i cut your throat while you bleed like a fucking bitch. 9/11? haha very funny towers kaboom hah /s. the n-wor......
I fucking hate them (no all but.. most, sadly.). With the new season, new attention came, great right. But no, here comes tiktok comments. Litc holds a special place in my heart, both the mains are 2 characters I see myself in, and in a way made me make a promise to myself that when I'm older, I'll do my absolute best to keep my child safe and prot......
onlysighedupcuzofads followed question about question

To orv fans, We all know about kdj's love for chinese dress and garter belt.I'm curious if there is any good fanfiction where yjh tries on chinese dress and garter belt for kdj and you know,rails the shit out of kdj or something idk.,.

01 04,2024
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A lot of manhwa artists use 3D models/objects to cut down on drawing time and push out faster chapters. The contrast between the realistic 3D models and the artist's 2D art can be really funny. Share some silly 3D model panels with me!

23 03,2024
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
Y'all this is actually real fujoshis are now in positions of powerand the author of love shuttle even found out
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
Some guy was making my friend uncomfortable by making a lot of sexual comments towards her, so I gave him an in-depth explanation of how I would like to impregnate him and watch him deliver our child. He didn't talk to me again after that :( I miss my submissive omega princess.
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
1,)Stop replacing characters in movies/tv shows that are based off a book or original source with someone who doesn’t match the og character. Meaning don’t replace a white character from a og story with a black character if the story gets adapted into a show or movie. Hollywood needs to stop doing this shit, if they want diversity PLEASE for th......

It's a novel about this "alpha sigma" dude transliterated into a novel(?) Where he's an omega and someone's mate... I saw it on tiktok awhile ago

17 01,2024

Y'all know the Andrew Tate Fanboys. We have no other social media for personal reasons, so we're putting this here. Share if you wish. TRIGGER WARNING, THIS CONTENT STEMS FROM MISGONGIA, ABUSE, RAPE, SEXUAL ASSUALT, HUMAN TRAFFICKING. PLEASE BE WARNED. ILL BE PUTTING THESE CLIPS INTO CATEGORIES WITH WARNING. - Domestic violence. https://youtube.......

16 01,2024
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
Havent showered since 9/11 yet i still remain cleaner smelling than @saki @mari @miseryxcompany @fujocel and @chlorine combined there isnt enough soap in the world to clean yalls goofy dirty asses!! Invest in a pressure washer
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
these are !!SOME!! death flags that i despise how could i forget:
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
The mfs who argue to defend rape and pedophilia in mangas like their life depends on it.
onlysighedupcuzofads like the answer
these are !!SOME!! death flags that i despise how could i forget:
onlysighedupcuzofads like the experience about touched grass
I completely forgot about this, but me and my sister drew it on our grandma's ipad earlier this year. Unfortunately it was never finished because we were forced to leave before we could, but imagine like every office romance bl and it's just that. Ofc it reads right to left, it is an authentic and real manga afterall. Just don't ask me what the nam......