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ohime-sama's feed

ohime-sama created a topic of Dr. Player

(Ch. 48 )
One of the coolest manwhas I've ever read, I really love this 'applying modern techniques to underdeveloped civilizations' trope and its so refreshing to see that he's obviously in it for the money but STILL cares about others just as much. It's such a breath of fresh air between this either 'I hate everyone and couldn't care less of they died' psycho attitude or the 'im an innocent cinnamon roll that would sacrifice my entire life even for my enemies uwu' pushover attitude. I find myself geniuenly being excited at the twists and turns and rooting for our Raymond and his apprentices. Every chapter is so fun to read, I geniuenly recommend this if you're looking for a (mostly) no romance work that's still exciting to read! I hope it'll be updated more but I'm so happy it's even been written in the first place. I'll happily purchase this! o(^o^)o