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IVAN IS ALIVE created a topic of Free in Dreams

oh hoe tables have turned lmao
anyway, jeongmin you better get back your man

IVAN IS ALIVE created a topic of Homeless/No Home

ayo they're back at the old dorm! i can sense new conflict from haejoon and eunyung again

IVAN IS ALIVE created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Arent they related???? Bro why the fcck are you obssesed w your brother?

IVAN IS ALIVE created a topic of Sissy

Istg if chengxiu ends up w this shitty shao qun im starting war. get the hell away from tbe mc gdi

IVAN IS ALIVE created a topic of Homeless/No Home

I wonder what kind of argument will they have in this arc and wtf was that haejoon

IVAN IS ALIVE created a topic of Backlight

I'll let this marinate for a while