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DanXJaekyung October 29, 2023 10:53 am

So I started reading a manga a few weeks ago about a highschool boy (blond) that used to do basketball but quit and became sort of a bully or more like a bad kid. And another guy (brunette) that is older and wants to get into art school.

So the highschool boy goes to what I think was an abandoned place and sees a mural of what I remember as a whale but I don’t recall . And him and his friend ruin the paint. So the brunette sees it and says that it was his exam to get into art school. The highschool student falls in love with him as soon as he sees him and says he will help him. The blondie starts chasing him and even enters the brunettes house. To then later having s3x. The blond is now obsessed and the brunette is like ok. And thats where it ended at the moment because it was new. I didn’t have my account in so It didn’t save and don’t remember the name. I tried telling as much as I remember. Oh also, the brunette had a sister, and turns out the blondie had a severe injury which was why he quit basketball , but never really told anyone.

Oh and also the drawing was black and white like the old format but was new i think idk

    DanXJaekyung November 1, 2023 7:29 am haesitae

    Thank you!!!! This is the one I was talking about. Pretty impressive. I made a lot of things up from my mind but you still understood which one I was talking about

    CTHunter November 1, 2023 9:07 am
    Thank you!!!! This is the one I was talking about. Pretty impressive. I made a lot of things up from my mind but you still understood which one I was talking about DanXJaekyung

    LMFAO i followed cause i was curious what it was and even searched for it and this is sending me

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