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dat_ass created a topic of How To Raise A Victim?

So it's a very unique and interesting concept. This must the first bl I read that went this deep into the iselai gami concept. I loved that it had so many twists and turns. might have had too many twists and turns.
The story never gave us time to process any of the plot twists. One after another without any break felt too much. And because of the fast speed it never got the chance to explore it's theme properly. Maybe it the point but all the characters really felt like NPCs(Even Nigel). The didn't feel cohesive and there actions were random as if the author decided on a new plot twist and forced the characters to act in a certain way to make that plot happen. After sometime I didn't care what happened just wanted to see the ending.
Also the chemistry between Nigel and Edna is nonexistent until chapter 38. They never felt like that had actual feeling for eachother. It felt forced and awkward.
The entire story felt like "Why is this happening? Because the Author said so"