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JadeAlberona June 8, 2018 10:25 am

The listless student
whom sleep stalks, and yet evades
"just one more chapter"

JadeAlberona June 6, 2018 6:43 am

I desperately need to distract myself from some things I don't want to think about at the moment. Thus:
I need something that's gonna make me laugh, and/or go "EEEEEEEEE!!!" I need something I can't help but get sucked in to. I need your favorite couple, so they can become my favorite couple too. I want to love their love. Please help. Thank you

JadeAlberona May 17, 2018 1:44 am

...any yaoi where the couple switch positions.
Thanks in advance

JadeAlberona May 15, 2018 12:18 pm

When you can't figure out what kind of yaoi you're in the mood to read (⊙…⊙ )

    Mary Scholl May 15, 2018 12:37 pm

    O..O maybe

    nickname May 15, 2018 12:51 pm

    it happen, yes.
    for me, if I got no mood to read. I will not read and watch / read / do something else than not enjoying my yaoi.

    but when you feel like want to read yaoi but don't know which yaoi you should read, asking someone always the best answer for me,

    Bananan!!! May 15, 2018 1:43 pm

    Ikr!!!! It's like u wanna read yaoi but then u dont know what kind u wanna read but its gotta be yaoi and yet u dont know what to read as there is like about hundreds of them in this site! So relatable!

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