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K❁ created a topic of MADK

I just finished reading this and I am not sure how to feel. The premise of the story is indeed fascinating, watching Mako chasing J and playing games with each other was thrilling. Having said, that I felt as if I never truly understood the characters. Starting with M, at fist he was a fuck up but surprisingly gentle boy. After the first time skip he changed so abruptly and I couldn't keep up. He turned into this evil creature extremely fast, which I guess was the whole point but stil I don't get it. His love-hate for J was written very nicely, yet his change of attitude wasn't. He was suddenly a monster. As for J, I get it, loneliness and stuff, I think I just expected more (?), and I definitely wanted to see more about his metor and the extra eye he had. I honestly don't even think I got his past...I also disliked how they handled Ks character. Don't get me wrong the story had some very powerful moments and it is quite special.