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TBAAAAA created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Back with these crazies lol.

TBAAAAA created a topic of Flip the script

I’m actually enjoying this. But that brother is the devil’s incarnate cause wtf??? You’re ready to kill your own blood

TBAAAAA created a topic of Thirst

Yupp. That position leaves a lot to be misunderstood lol.

TBAAAAA created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

So that’s the price that was paid. Dammit author!! How can I cope without these two

TBAAAAA created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I just remembered why I stopped reading this. Now adios amigos

TBAAAAA created a topic of Thirst

Wren has some ass on him heheh and did anyone notice that Tristan has become paler?

TBAAAAA created a topic of Cry Me a River

Ngl. A season final should hold more info but I don’t know why I feel like this isn’t giving that much information. Ughhhh.

The story is frustrating but I keep coming back to read. I just want everyone to find out who everyone is. Ughhhh dammit.

TBAAAAA created a topic of A Thousand Cranes

Dean is such a Green flaggg. Love how emotional he is

TBAAAAA created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

We were all worried about that twink but then there's also a hyung we should be worried about again too? Dammit!

TBAAAAA created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I think this author likes messing with us. Cause wtf???

TBAAAAA created a topic of Our Sunny Days

So I just finished reading “unromantic romance” and just found out it’s the same author! So I’m here to appreciate their work on once more!! It’s superb!

TBAAAAA created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

I knew it! I knew the call was still on and that minwoo heard them fucking!

TBAAAAA created a topic of Red Mansion

We can all agree that at least his bruises are fading away. He looks a lot better than before.

TBAAAAA created a topic of Define The Relationship

For a minute i was confused who's who! lol my bad.

TBAAAAA created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

Damn. I see all these spoilers and now wishing i can just fast forward to the point where silver haired guy gets paired with someone else. Dammit.

TBAAAAA created a topic of Frenzy Train

All they did was fuck, fuck. More fuck and more fucking. Damnnit. Its all fucked up.

TBAAAAA created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Ngl i cried. His face was so sad i couldn't help but feel bad for him. But im happy we're back at the main story again! Yay

TBAAAAA created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Uhmm what’s the second guys name? The one with jinwoo. Yes him. I like him and that cute cut he has close to his eye.