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zhongdong created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

im back hallelujah we are finally on to the good stuff

soyeon irks tf outta me literally useless and always running after mc even though she KNOWS she cant do anything i just cant and i bet they still end up together...

zhongdong created a topic of Raise wa Tanin ga Ii

day 1 of the anime release i will be its biggest defender the masses will not ruin this for me

zhongdong created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

author should have saved this fetish content for a whole other story like why are they messing up this story even more than they did the actual ending like its pissing me off

zhongdong created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

ik this is not canon but... still why

this is giving me nothing let me write the story at this point omg

zhongdong created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

sigh ngl yall i've seen artists/authors with fetishes before but this one... this one has to be a self insert like genuinely

zhongdong created a topic of Killing Stalking

bruh i thought we got some content for a sec why would they do that

zhongdong created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

i like sex as much as the next guy but damn i was hoping for a canon side story with fluff not more porn...

zhongdong created a topic of Perfect Buddy

after 3 season and its the season finale too?? dont piss me off IM TIRED

zhongdong created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

also... if yall dont like toxic romance why are yall reading this like dont pretend yall thought she was never going to end up with him yall are this mad for what at least she entertaining and not crying all the time like other fls

zhongdong created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

ngl dont like how they switched up on the sister's situation like she was just crying abt how she was discarded with her child and now she becoming queen? maybe just maybe show us whats going on over there so it makes sense? because this is a complete 180 and i kinda liked how realistic they took her story i had a feeling the guy was just messing with her but now shes queen? idk

author obviously wasn't interested in this story anymore and quickly ended it (i knew the minute she got pregnant it was over lmao)

zhongdong created a topic of Dead or alive

NOOO IT ENDED i feel empty


heres to cheol just blushing and running away and not overreacting bc he likes her too lmao

zhongdong created a topic of Raise wa Tanin ga Ii


you would have thought he killed himself and not her the way she is talking about her death like its her fault...

zhongdong created a topic of Dead or alive

i never thought i would say this but i wish this story was dragged out like 28 chapters is too little for how good this was

zhongdong created a topic of Dead or alive

lord the sex scenes in this were great callahan is such a man FUCK