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wbtnlvr created a topic of Gig of the Day

HAHAHAHAHAH just wait until you fall harder than he is i mean you're already inlove but oh well fall harder and you'll know

wbtnlvr created a topic of Sei no Gekiyaku Re:life
wbtnlvr created a topic of Slammer Dogs

ngl i love the interactions between these brothers I WANT MOREEEE

wbtnlvr created a topic of Nerd Project

about time you get punched real hard

wbtnlvr created a topic of Jinx
wbtnlvr created a topic of Arthur

his only contribution is his sperm and he has the audacity to mooch off of his son and his boyfriend

wbtnlvr created a topic of Gig of the Day

oh my gosh this is why i don't like reading ongoing manhwas coz they hurt me like diz!!! it's only 13 chapters why do u hurt me like this

wbtnlvr created a topic of Stay With Me

lol u should've never come back if ur just gonna leave him again like that

wbtnlvr created a topic of Payback