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chaca's experience ( All 0 )

chaca's answer ( All 4 )

Im bisex and hell yeah that turn me on(⊙…⊙ )   2 reply
24 06,2019
Indonesian, glad to see friends from my country, there is not many from here :(   10 reply
02 07,2018
Im 17 years old and hmmm maybe im bisexsual, idk but im pretty sure im seduced from both of   3 reply
02 07,2018
about penpals
01 07,2018
I'd like to join i really like all genres of yaoi, add me please my id line: saldw   reply
01 07,2018

chaca's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did survived suicide

not recommended

8 minutes
did survived suicide

tried numerous times and i still failed, might just jump next

3 hours
did survived suicide

0/10 not recommend
Seriously tho... It got me into therapy and it somehow helped but I still don't wish for others to experience the same

7 hours