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reigensgf's experience ( All 0 )

reigensgf's answer ( All 6 )

yeah honestly i dont understand how anyone can proudly claim to being a fujo like yeah, i fetishize mlm   1 reply
08 09,2020
this the typa bitch who read yaoi everynight and call gay men her 'gaybies'. bruh shut tf dumpy ass how you complaining about gay representation when the media has only ever shown straight people and whenever we ever got representation it was some tragic romance or a fetishization??? how you gonna get pressed over rep for a normal relationship, hom......   4 reply
10 06,2020
i fr hate the word 'fujoshi' it straight up just makes me cringe when i hear it no joke. i know a lot of yall use that word and identify yourselves with it, and most of you aren't bad people and seem quite respectful but - damn some of yall on this website are nasty asf (you'd have to be blind to not see that shit if you have even shred of common d......   1 reply
26 01,2020
30 12,2019
yeah i dont really fw kpop that much anymore - i used to be massively into it, but now i'm only into exo and some gg   reply
30 12,2019
fr fr listen to tiny meat gang their music changed my life yall   reply
04 08,2019

reigensgf's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

9 hours
want to do applying edging to your life


1 days
did going to concerts

4x Iron maiden, b.i,dreamcatcher,2x The Rose,Rina sawayama,twenty one pilots,The 1975..i still wanna go to so many more like ateez & skz

1 days