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The manga starts out weird but it gets better. Sono is cute and kind while Kuroe is sadistic in the beginning but becomes more likeable as the story develops. The parts about Kuroe's childhood made me cry but the current him and how he was with Sono had me wishing I had a man like him. There are parts that are funny, sad and wholesome. I actually really enjoyed reading this.

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Ayka followed a list
Ayka followed a list

Surprised by the number of people following this I bet y’all are thirsty as fuck 

Anyway, enjoy this list! Comment down below if you liked it or helped you find anything you adored 

27 12,2023

Idk how I feel after reading this. I've read some questionable things but didn't feel as bad as I did after reading this. I think the seme repeating what his teacher did to him is the part that messed me up the most. I'm going to curl up into a ball in the corner and try to forget about this.

There seems to be 3 volumes so far and the third volume shows them having another child. I hope we get translations soon.

Ayka created a topic of Koishite Baby (MIYAKO Mimeko)

Kiyo looks slutty when he's wearing his stripper outfits but he is actually a sweet marshmallow. Whole story is very cute. A bit rushed but there is no drama or bullshit.

Ayka created a topic of Kozure Omega to Boukun Yakuza

Riku and Sora are too cute and the whole manga is just adorable. Similar vibes to Kiraide Isasete which is one of my favorites. Omegaverse with cute kids will always be my favorite to read.

Ayka created a topic of Kekkon Shite Kudasai!

Juuji was the best character. This man saw a random omega guy leave his cousins room and decided to financially support him and his child. Gave him a job at his own company and when the opportunity came, he made sure to pair Kairi and Haroumi together so they can be with each other. He was also super good with Senri and babysat whenever Kairi was busy with work.

Ayka created a topic of Kekkon Shite Kudasai!

I know each omegaverse is different but usually when an omega and an alpha mate, the alpha is able to tell who their mate is by their smell or can sense it. Why the hell did Haroumi not know that Kairi was his mate? Yeah Kairi said forget it but that doesn't mean you just forget the whole thing even if you didn't know their name. They were spending all that time together one on one and he didn't know! Also how the hell was Kairi keeping a straight face the whole time he was with Haroumi? He didn't give away his feelings or the fact they had a child together.

Ayka created a topic of Hebi no Seikatsu

I wish both of the stories had happier endings. They weren't necessarily bad endings, but could have been better. Also the first story reminds me a bit of Otouto no Otto where one of the twins dies. The two stories are totally different, just the part about the twins is similar.

Ayka created a topic of Akuma-chan wa Momoiro

So many are saying they wish the uke had found someone else and the seme's plan backfired but you guys forget why Kei decided to get with another guy in the first place. Naru was the one who brought another guy into their relationship first with that threesome. Kei wasn't feeling it but went along with it because he goes along with whatever Naru says. He wanted Naru to be his one and only. Naru needed to be taught a lesson and understand Kei's feelings as well. The story isn't that deep. It's mostly just smut.

Ayka created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

This was the first omegaverse manga I read and I had to come back and re-read. I bawled my eyes out all over again. Might seem cliche at times but such a sweet story overall. I really love this couple and their family. I love their friends too. I would totally love to have a friend like Jun. Hazuki as a partner and as dad is one of the best I've seen. Minato and Aoi are cute cinnamon rolls. Nao is just precious. Shizuku is the best kid you could ask for. I want to see more of her and Daiki's story. I need to see more of Yanagi and Asa sensei's story. I'll probably come back in a few months and read the whole thing again.

Ayka created a topic of Spin Out (KUNIEDA Saika)

I want to read this again so I can properly process everything. The characters are not the most lovable but are complex and I wanted to learn so much more about them. We don't fully get to know why they are the way they are. We never really got to know Miki outside of how he was with Tatsumi when they're having sex. We don't get to know more about Ryouma and why he slept with Tatsumi and wanted to keep him away from Miki. We can speculate but it's not clear. Tatsui was on another plane. Where was all that pent up anger coming from? What kind of headspace was he in when he was ready to commit a crime? Even when Miki was trying to get him to change his mind, he seemed so focused on becoming a criminal. That ending was a total mindfuck. We as the reader have to interpret a lot of what happened because the author doesn't come out and directly tell us but I think that's the beauty of it all. This is one of those stories that I will remember and will be thinking of for a long time.

Ayka created a topic of Color Recipe

I wasn't expecting that twist but it left such a bad taste in my mouth that I couldn't enjoy the rest of the story. Fukusuke should have ended up in a mental asylum, Shoukichi should have gone to therapy and Riku should just drop dead. I can't believe Riku just stood by and did nothing. I would never do that even if it was a person I absolutely hated. The ending was unsatisfactory. Shou was too nice and naive as a person. Fuku didn't deserve the ending he got. He should have suffered!

Ayka created a topic of Namida Kareru Na

Ehh it's ok. Typical story of a poor omega who has had a hard life but meets a rich alpha who saves them. Sweet story but it was very rushed and ended abruptly. I keep seeing seeing something about a second version where the ending is changed so I might have to read that and see if I like it better.

Ayka created a topic of Castehate

I think this story had the potential to be great but didn't go the way I was expecting. First of all I was surprised by the whole eating aspect. I haven't seen characters in omegaverse physically consume others and the whole idea of the different life spans was also something new. The whole story had darkness but also humor especially with the hamster babies which I enjoyed. I didn't hate the rabbit, I totally get why he did what he did and I liked ending he got with the cute kids and husband but I felt so sad for the snake boy. I wish snakey had gotten a happier ending.

Ayka created a topic of Zetsubou ni Nake

Wow! So much was happening in this manga. There were times I was confused like where the hell is this story going but I'm glad I stuck with it. It's a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute you're turned on then your crying because you feel for the characters and can relate to what they're going through. The artwork is A+.