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dame dame created a topic of Blue Period.

The senseis with crooked noses in this manga are so hot

dame dame followed a list
21 11,2023
dame dame answered question about disturbing thing you saw
I don't really come across fujoshis outside of this website they faded away like how 2021 anime fans faded away. It is also interesting how most users of this website prolly use the website for reading bl but I was always see posts on how fujoshis are shit but that also depends on how you define fujoshis.
dame dame created a topic of Jinx


I have seen many people on tiktok saying something bad might happen like BJ Alex chapter 39. that I have read the raws new chapter is more like BJ Alex chapter 74 if you know what I mean.


yoshitsugu more like your shit so good

dame dame answered question about question
I honestly don't think it became popular because of asian fetishization but it might have lead to more people to fetishize asians. I also do not think that people who like k-pop are the same as people who literally fetishize asians and feed into stereotypes. my friend is a kpop stan and that definitely shaped her type but she doesnt have this weird......