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Shut_up's experience ( All 0 )

Shut_up's answer ( All 4 )

1. harem (any type) freaking annoying so overused and boring as hell, cringe af the whole fandom are a bunch of bops. 2. Age gaps with minors. Fuck do I need to explain myself... 3. The "i raised you now im gonna sleep with you trope" go to hell and kill yourself if you like this shit 4. Step sibling step father step mother anything you must b......   6 reply
5 days
I wasn't reading at all in 2022 and 2023 because I was so inundated with pressure, but now everything's calm and I've started reading again. It's little by little, but I'm trying to catch up on books I stopped reading for some unknown reason despite how much I loved them.   reply
29 01,2024
oh my days why is it so long... WTF Oh no mama, Not a job with children No thanks   2 reply
29 01,2024

Shut_up's question ( All 0 )