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MermaidMotel March 2, 2024 6:49 pm

Chapter gets uploaded:

1. Comments gets flooded with people complaining about JK (He is the main character people..he'll be here every week)
2. Comments get flooded with people demanding Dan's grandma die.
3. Mangago psychologists flood the chat.
4. Mangago counselors flood the chat.
5. People complain about not seeing Potato and actor-boy(They are not main characters people, you will rarely see them unless they are adding to JK amd Dan's story at this point).
6. Comments get flooded with people declaring that they'll drop the story, but somehow keep re-appearing week after week.
7. Comments get flooded with people demanding the next chapter an hour upon release..
8. Mangago relationship coaches flood the chat with dating advice.

    ktdkzone March 2, 2024 6:51 pm

    Lmfao in short people are just miserable lol.

    gupunk March 2, 2024 6:55 pm

    Okay you rlly read these fat hoes up periodttt

    ItzTinSeL March 2, 2024 7:12 pm

    I like smart people like you. When you realize the repetition and say it out loud everything always looks more foolish. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

    _mydelusionalass March 2, 2024 7:13 pm


    Yue March 2, 2024 7:33 pm

    That is why I always try to leave at least one comment actually talking about the chapter, it looks like people aren't even paying attention to the story anymore

    MermaidMotel March 2, 2024 7:52 pm

    Sorry everyone, I forgot to add #9:

    9. Comments get flooded with spoilers that no one asks for..

    you know it March 2, 2024 8:00 pm

    this is funny as hell

    sukiluvr March 2, 2024 8:34 pm

    5th point I FELT THAT. I seriously don't understand people who keep demanding this non existing second couple like bro I read this manhwa for the main couple and I really could care less about the secondary characters.

    Sumer March 2, 2024 9:04 pm

    What about those schizos making tonnes of accounts and trolling themselves

    Idontthinkthisisthelifeiwant March 2, 2024 9:19 pm

    watch me do it all in this order now, but i will start with complaining about how slow they upload

    erwins eyebrows March 2, 2024 11:14 pm

    Heavy on #6!! The same people who claim to hate this manwha are always the first ones to read and comment on the next chapter. Doesn’t seem like you hate it at all to me ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 2, 2024 11:18 pm

    “ What about those schizos making tonnes of accounts and trolling themselves” as they cyber stalk the ones they are impersonating and those users they impersonated nothing to do with with the cyber stalkers impersonating them or spamming the walls.
    The cyber stalkers did troll each other and ever one.
    Can you be clearer Sumer? Or are you supporting the cyber stalkers gaslighting?

    MermaidMotel March 2, 2024 11:30 pm
    5th point I FELT THAT. I seriously don't understand people who keep demanding this non existing second couple like bro I read this manhwa for the main couple and I really could care less about the secondary cha... sukiluvr

    Lol, yes! I could honestly care less about Potato and actor-boy's relationship...BORING! Don't people get tired of the same old plot sometimes?? Their story is similar to like 50% of the manga on this website. I'm here every week for JK and Dan. Based on these comments, I often feel like I'm the only one here that likes this manga and the main couple...

    MermaidMotel March 2, 2024 11:42 pm
    “ What about those schizos making tonnes of accounts and trolling themselves” as they cyber stalk the ones they are impersonating and those users they impersonated nothing to do with with the cyber stalkers... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Lol, yes, I didn't add that one to the list because I didn't even fully understand what the heck was going on with that craziness! However, yes, I agree!:

    #10. Comments get flooded with impersonators and troll accounts.

    P.S. Love your username!

    TheOldYaoiFan March 3, 2024 12:49 am


    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 1:23 am
    Lol, yes! I could honestly care less about Potato and actor-boy's relationship...BORING! Don't people get tired of the same old plot sometimes?? Their story is similar to like 50% of the manga on this website. ... MermaidMotel

    You are not alone and many like you feels like you do. There are many here who love this manga and the main couple. It does have 72.5% of 5 stars. If you were the only one it would not be popular or still be going. This is a popular series.

    Go to Instagram, twitter (x), and other places you will see the love of this series and Jaekyung. It is the opposite of here. Mangago is an unhealthy place for certain genres.

    Here, the haters have attacked the target audience, the ones like you, and suppressed their voices with hate. What you have been seeing for months is not a pov vs pov battle. It is a fight against making this a fascist page (Trolls/haters) where only one opinion is accepted or tolerated vs a safe environment where all opinions are welcomed (My friends and me).

    You must hate Jaekyung with a heated passion and hate Jinx but loving the secondary couple that don't exist (yet) is okay.

    My friends stood up to them after they were attacked. One hated the story and Jaekyung but they forced her to be a Jinx lover and JK stan to just attack her.

    The trolls/haters/cyber stalkers have tried many tactics to get us to delete our accounts and never come back. The latest tactic is they impersonated us to defame us so we would feel threatened and delete our accounts. I don't know how many accounts there were but I had one parody account of me, two of my second username and picture, and one of my first username and picture impersonating me. I know of 7 accounts. 6 or more (minus the parody) were harassing and spamming everyone while being me and others since Feb 7th. They were not us and we had nothing to do with their behaviors. We did try to understand them and tried to fix their misunderstanding but it was purely gaslighting.
    In this link, look at my comment, not my topic, it will show the 7 accounts I know of. They have not changed to this name and profile yet. Thank you for the compliment. That is what I have been doing since October.

    I just wished fans like you could talk about the story or theories without getting hate.
    And no not negative feedback no the series or a detail you mentioned. Saying you hate Jaekyung or Jinx is okay. It is something else I am referring to. This place is for everyone and they need to allow you to connect to others like you but they have made many of you feel alienated and silenced many with their hate.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 1:33 am

    Btw, I guess in your theme I fit with 3 or 4 depending on how you meant them but it is try to made this a safe environment where all opinions are welcomed.

    Sumer March 3, 2024 4:12 am
    “ What about those schizos making tonnes of accounts and trolling themselves” as they cyber stalk the ones they are impersonating and those users they impersonated nothing to do with with the cyber stalkers... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    I am not supporting anyone, it's just that they flood the comments with their weirdness and even others' (and mine) reply section.
    Tbh yesterday I opened one of their profile to check if they were a troll and the desc said they had a mental illness and have embraced their personalities and made so many accounts(basically all the names who are frequently involved in this trolling and impersonating).
    Tbh idk. Idk if it's someone being an unemployed asshole just for this comment section (do y'all see them anywhere else) or do they actually have a problem bcs I can't shame them for it.
    Anyways, as a casual user of mgg it just gives me a headache

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 5:08 am
    I am not supporting anyone, it's just that they flood the comments with their weirdness and even others' (and mine) reply section. Tbh yesterday I opened one of their profile to check if they were a troll and t... Sumer

    "Tbh yesterday I opened one of their profile to check if they were a troll and the desc said they had a mental illness and have embraced their personalities and made so many accounts(basically all the names who are frequently involved in this trolling and impersonating)."

    If it is the one I am thinking of.

    They are not the ones they named off. They are none of them. Those names are their victims in this trolling which is cyber stalking. They stood up to them when they attacked a rape survivor and they became a joke.

    They have been harassed by these trolls and cyberstalkers. The trolls made an account to mock all of them. If you don't understand, it is like me creating an account cloning yours, and saying I am Sumer, Sumersunlight, TMSMZY, RON, DON, and sumermidnight. I have a mental disorder with multiple personalities. I create accounts for them all.

    Am I you? You were Sumersunlight and you are Sumer when are you the other names? Why do you think that list of names is that person? That cyber stalker is trying to make many people be one person.

    Here is what it says. With commentary.
    " I've come to terms with my debilitating mental disorder that causes my multiple personalities. You might be familiar with them.

    Assertive Tigritude (The real one created his creation 2/10. he has barely commented)
    Aloha ( We don't know who this is and they defended us. 2/17 is when they created their account)
    BelovedRose ( She was the rape survivor that was attacked and this group stood up to them. She left this drama to come back to protect TM when he was told to go kill himself 4 times. She came back after they attacked others and showed they were a cyberbully pretending to be a cyberbully to them to show how it felt. She deleted her account in November. She did not want to be blamed for something she did not do.)
    Tmsmyz ( He was the one gang up on the most. He was seeking real conversations and they could only troll him. He was made into a joke. They dogpiled him. He backed off. He now has stalkers that are now cyberstalkers. In November, January, and February, he posts harmless things and they start the drama. What you see is him defending himself.
    Candy (this user came in February and deleted their account. They came with their own agenda. They did not defend us. They are not any one of us.)
    Candy stripes (See Candy same person)
    TM SM YZ (See Tmsmyz same person)
    Torakaze (Tora.. He was barely in the drama. He came and went. He deleted his account in November.)
    Mi Amore Anon (MI was only in it for a few days in July. Then she had a few comments here and there. She wanted nothing to do with this. None of us does.
    Midnight Diamonds ( This is a mock because it was Morning Diamonds. I made my account in October to see if I could help them get their accounts back. They felt stuck here. It was a deeper problem than we thought. I may have said provoking things but it is to stop their harassment of my friends. It is shown. If TM takes a month away from this site and then helps with a misunderstanding. they start the fake drama on him. It is not trolling. It is cyberstalking a few people. I never trolled anyone I stood up to the harassment of my friends. Those 7 accounts show who is going after whom and who is starting the drama.
    Empowered Guardian See "Midnight Diamonds"
    Love Wins ~~TM SM See "Tmsmyz"
    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors " See "Tmsmyz"

    "(basically all the names who are frequently involved in this trolling and impersonating)." None of them are. None. Aloha did impersonate Levi for a few hours but that is not us and just created their accounts.

    So are you admitting to being part of the problem or don't understand that is a cyber stalker with a fake account? That fake account is impersonating my second name and profile. It is not me.
    They have Tm in their comment 4 times as different people. They have mocked my first name but they have me twice. That is a red flag.

    Would it not be. Tmsmyz aka TM SM YZ aka Love Wins ~~TM SM aka LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors
    Why have Aloha and Candy there?

    Here... All comments are for the cyberstalkers. It is not us. That was not me looking at the accounts. That was not TM.
    This here is the real TM.
    I am the real Morning Diamonds, Empowered Guardian. We did not comment on your topic. We are not behind those fake accounts impersonating us. But I think you know that. The real ones, I am sorry to say, avoid you. I think I am the first one to talk to you after you made a few choice comments. You helped in mocking the ones you are trying to blame for all the drama fully knowing they don't cause it.
    Yes, your friends pretending to be us, flood the comments with their weirdness. Your friends have a problem with us. We don't know why. I don't know why you blamed the real people when we had nothing to do with trolling and impersonating. We just stand up to it and warned people about it.

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 5:18 am
    I am not supporting anyone, it's just that they flood the comments with their weirdness and even others' (and mine) reply section. Tbh yesterday I opened one of their profile to check if they were a troll and t... Sumer

    Wait I am the second one.
    That is the real Tig

    Tig said "Sumer all that comment here were trolls accounts impersonating others to defame who they are pretending to be. They are not arguing. The real ones are ignoring them. The trolls behavior is asinine. They think this is funny. It is not. Cyber bullying is not funny."

    You told the victim who was warning you of the cyber stalkers, who are your friends:
    "Hmm yea I understood the gist. Anyways continue your schizophrenia I will just block the notifications from this, i just remembered that function"

    It did not fit. It made no sense.

    Tig came back and said "It is not mine. I am not a part of it"

    We avoiding you because we don't want drama or be gaslighted by you. We know you are a hater of Jinx and leave you be. So why are you after us? If you understand we are being impersonated why are blaming the real ones? Why are you making it look like we cause the drama, your friends cause? You don't cause it. We know. You only made a few comments. I don't think any of them talked to you before Tig did. So, why go after the victims of the impersonation and trolling for months?

    Dodobird March 3, 2024 6:18 am

    loool you're on point

    Sumer March 3, 2024 6:23 am
    Wait I am the second one. is the real Tig Tig said "Sumer all that comment here were trolls accounts impersonating others to defame who they are pretending t... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Dude I ain't reading allat. Fine I will leave you or them alone too. Imma just read and engage a bit I don't want to know more about this let's make peace

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 8:36 am
    Dude I ain't reading allat. Fine I will leave you or them alone too. Imma just read and engage a bit I don't want to know more about this let's make peace Sumer

    Is that your way of saying you did read?

    You can go after the cyber stalkers if you want but they are not the ones they are impersonating. They did harass you on two threads impersonating us. We are sorry for their behavior.

    I hope you are being sincere about making peace. It will be cool.
    We have been trying since I don't know when but we made it clear in October but there are a few people who try to keep the drama going with us. We just want to share information and talk about the story. They can very easily ignore us.

    I hope you are sincere. Let's make peace.

    Sumer March 3, 2024 8:48 am
    Is that your way of saying you did read? You can go after the cyber stalkers if you want but they are not the ones they are impersonating. They did harass you on two threads impersonating us. We are sorry for ... Protector for JinxFans&JKstans

    Yup yup I m sincere. I did a cursory read. The "read and engage" I said, I meant manhwas lol

    Aloha March 3, 2024 9:15 am

    Wdym you don't know why I suddenly popped up out of nowhere with a new account knowing all the past lore and vehemently defend you and all the other users with your exact speech pattern for hours? Why do you keep denying me while following me? Obviously you would know literally everything down to the last detail because you were at the other end of this directly aka alts usage

    Aloha March 3, 2024 9:18 am

    He was so ready to go off on Sumer bc she joked about the trolling, talking about the spam it creates without taking any sides cause no one else cares. This is like the 10th person he told to redirect someone's words to the impersonators No plss go say that to them not me ass, as if anything said to self proclaimed trolls mean anything

    Aloha March 3, 2024 9:22 am

    So now your alt aloha is an account to defend, what happened to ''We don't know why she's defending us''

    Aloha March 3, 2024 9:24 am

    Don't forget your aloha was first created to impersonate levipleasecallmeback, setting aside it's clear as jaekyung being a rapist, you're still defending an impersonator either way bahahaha

    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans March 3, 2024 9:27 am
    Yup yup I m sincere. I did a cursory read. The "read and engage" I said, I meant manhwas lol Sumer

    Oh I see, I was not sure about what you meant but I am glad it is what I thought. My question was about. " I ain't reading allat." A lot of you say that but it seems like you do read it or some of it. I always think it is funny when that is said when we are on a site to read stories.

    TMSM~Warriors for Jinx Lovers March 3, 2024 9:37 am

    I also find it funny Morning diamonds above feels the need to constantly mention he doesn't read the trolls' messages yet he was able to write what his alts went through in details.

    sukiluvr March 3, 2024 10:22 am
    Lol, yes! I could honestly care less about Potato and actor-boy's relationship...BORING! Don't people get tired of the same old plot sometimes?? Their story is similar to like 50% of the manga on this website. ... MermaidMotel

    Lol I feel ya and dw girl you're not the only one I love this manhwa and the main couple only. I don't really care about the rest of characters lol.

MermaidMotel February 13, 2024 2:47 pm

Does anyone know???

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