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Whetu created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Youngchans complex really reminds me of a real issues that hits me close to home

My little brother was always at least a head bigger and looked way older than everyone his age. So he was more prone to accidently hurt other kids while playing (leading parents to start shouting at him while not understanding that he was one of the times only 2 and their kid at least 2 years older...). Plus he always was blamed for stuff that he never even did too. In 4th grade he had to stand in front of the whole class to read out an apology letter for beating up a little first year kid. When my mother heared about it days later and asked him what happened, he suddenly bursted out into tears and said it was just an accident - He swung his arm to the side and hit the boy behind him he did not see coming. But already two teeth were hit out because of his strenght. Under sobs he proclaimed how nobody even wanted to listen to him, they never did. So he just accepted it and did the apology, leaving him absolutely shamed, embarrassed and hated by the whole class. Little boy confirmed whole thing later on and thanks to my mother the teacher had to do an apology run after that. But I saw him cry many times because of similiar stuff. This really infuriated me as a big sister. He was always very sensitive and kind. But he had to learn to control his strenght and be especially kind and courteous, more so than anyone else to not be default blamed due to his appearance.

Youngchan now having this complex about his intimidating appearance and strenght and him especially trying to be goofy and less 'scary' for the people around him actually really makes me sad for him and reminds me a lot of my little brother. Would wish for more people to not judge a book by it's cover and actually start to listen and see the real person.

Bravo and thanks for everyone who actually read the whole thingヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~