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[REDACTED] created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

On the bright side it's nice to see how far their relationship has come now that he can finally tell Skylar that story

[REDACTED] created a topic of Did It Work

They're so funny lmfaoooo gayoon's black ominous speech bubbles had me deeeeaad

[REDACTED] created a topic of Fake Fact Lips


[REDACTED] created a topic of Nerd Project

andrews eyes are soooo pretty omg

[REDACTED] created a topic of Nerd Project

Bro I get your parents neglected u but that's not Andrew's problem and you're a grown ass man now, go to therapy my guy

[REDACTED] created a topic of Kisses x Kiss x Kisses

normally im not a side couples person but oh my gooood i really wish we got more naseon and chorong and i wouldve loved an arc for poor sangjae lmfaoooo poor guy was the most tragic person in the whole manhwa

[REDACTED] created a topic of Nerd Project

The tension in the make out scenes in this manhwa goes CRAZY

[REDACTED] answered question about question
insanely arrogant characters that are just so annoyingly full of themselves it's comedic lmao
[REDACTED] created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

i know every story can't have a perfect happy ending but damn i wish manhua had tags like ao3 cuz i wouldn't have started this in the first place if i knew it'd end like this

[REDACTED] created a topic of Define The Relationship

So did Lyle actually hang up the call before he made those sounds or

[REDACTED] created a topic of Our Sunny Days

"I kinda adore him" what if I crumbled to the floor and exploded into a million tiny pieces right here right now? Hm? What then????

[REDACTED] created a topic of Merry Marbling

wait cuz this chapter was great in so many ways but we NEED to appreciate that scene with mirye and kyungbin with the chart??? the way the chart got interwoven with their dialogue is so creative and cool i'm obsessed

[REDACTED] created a topic of Define The Relationship

the smut is nice and all but ash keep talking pls tell him aiden was on bs when he said you would get tired of lyle

Dammit things are probably gonna get worse before they get better cuz of that damn video praying that asshole and his entire crew simultaneously get run over by a truck