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Nunubono created a topic of Payback
Nunubono created a topic of Perfect Buddy
Nunubono created a topic of Wet Sand

Nagsakit akoang ulo magbasa anii huhuhu ambot nimo ian

Nunubono created a topic of Profundis

Kanus.a mani mahuman. Galibog na akoang mind.

Nunubono created a topic of Under the Green Light

Kusa mulayo si top kang jin kay naguilty siya. Haays. Another separation chapter napud siguro

Nunubono created a topic of Jinx

Kidnapon si dan, isave dayun ni jaekyung, ma fall napud si dan. The cycle goes on and on and on.

Nunubono created a topic of Perfect Buddy
Nunubono created a topic of Perfect Buddy
Nunubono created a topic of Wet Sand

Pwede ra man siguro na Jo x TJ?

Nunubono created a topic of Jinx

Biyae ragud na Dan. Ka walay batasan.

Nunubono created a topic of Rivalry
Nunubono created a topic of Oni to Tengoku
Nunubono created a topic of Jinx

Murag kabalo nako sa direction ani na story bah. Pareha ra sa BJ Alex.

Nunubono created a topic of The Man At Night

Basin naay trauma si yoo-gon...

Nunubono created a topic of Jinx