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Rosieee's feed

Rosieee created a topic of Love Percentage

FIRST OFF WHY ARE THE GREAT GRANDMAS STILL ALIVE AT THE END don't get me wrong. I love them they slay I want their love story but he's an adult now and they're his great grandparents. How are they still alive? Didn't they have the little sister when he was a little kid? How is he in college and she still a little kid is she like 10 and he 18 was he eight when they had her I don't get it, I see a lot of people uncomfortable with the whole storyline but honestly I don't see too much wrong with it as it's always the alpha, taking advantage of the omega, and it's not right for the omega to take advantage of the alpha but it least it's not like the omega drag the alpha into the relationship you know alpha didn't even know he had a child, which is a little wrong, but he didn't even have to take care of it or you have responsibilities overall the official translation, which I only read it for the second story didn't make a lot of sense. I do agree with that. The second story does not make a lot of sense but it is cute. Nothing to red flag so I liked it OK but the first story is better very green flag with a good amount of build up