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MACS created a topic of The Genius Actor’s Aura

I kniw we have to be at times to get what we want but only if you really desrve it you bitch do not. Go back and learn manners before seeing other people. Distasteful.

Not that I'd ever buy it because I just can't ever pulk that off hahaha. Also my babies are just so cute and wholesome

MACS created a topic of Acting Genius, TOP Idol!

He thinks of insults before trying to be considerate.

MACS created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

There's just something between them ehe

MACS created a topic of The Genius Actor’s Aura

Outside there may be two but in essence they are one. They may seem separate but in actual is the real representation of themselves bound by the concepts of morality and outwards appearances.

The demon lord will be GORGEOUS. Very evil though hahah. Also yayul you're being totally petzoned.

MACS created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

The coincidences and facts are too obvious, the names, the voices, the hobbies, the unexpected madeleine giving.

I really appreciate that he's not alone during this time and I'm so proud of you yeonwoo. Having just the courage to realize you hqve a problem is a big step in itself. And like I said it his symptoms really could be an underying problem just that like now he tries to forget and be numb to his real feelings. I'm not saying it's wrong just that I'm really worried. Hope you can getget better soon.

Maythan good luck. Your sister is so stupid but she's still your sister I guess. If she wre a brother instead perhaps you could've punched her but you couldn't because she's a gurl not that I'd mind if you do. Equality is very much needed in this case.

So what if she's a commoner she's very cute, kind, smart and strong. Curious who's the ML. Also, I can't see the resemblance with her uncle. She looks much closer to the Hibertzman kid.

MACS followed a list


again, not all of these are isekais, mostly just strong women being badass while wearing two layers of underskirts and a corset. the isekais in this list are a little more spicy though, like sexy spicy whoo

part 1!

09 04,2024
MACS created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Who can be this stupid? Or am I just an old person at heart? Hahahahah cracks me up though wonder how the misunderstanding will resolve

I thought he was claustrophobic at first but could it actually be he akready had? If we rhink about it, he was abandoned as a kid. Although he was loved by his grandparents and the people in the neighborhood, it's not something that can go away. Plus his grandparents died just afew yewrs ago, he didn't really cope with it yet and just went on a fishing boat. He seemed to have gotten over it. Then he got close to someone and they had to part ways again. Idk if this is relevant but this condition could be something that has been with him just that he tried to be numb to them.

Ps. Forgot if it was grandparents or just grandma.

MACS created a topic of Night of the Unmarked

Just when will the relationship develop. We know they've gone beyond but can't wait for moreee

MACS created a topic of Act-age

I really loved this but the author just had to be a creep and a criminal sighs. I don't want to support it but I can't help rereading some portions of the manga

MACS created a topic of Night of the Unmarked

Haven't read these kind of stuff in a while and the eye candy is just chef's kiss

MACS created a topic of Medical Return Webtoon

You can't ignore his sins. But I do wish he wasn't living alone in that house. Sinful as be may be it eould be nice to at least have someone he could reach out to.

Yayul has dark energy honestly there's not a going to be a good end although it's not his fault but still I kind of thought he was the ML as well

MACS created a topic of Beck

Continued from the anime, this was a really good read. The charm of mangas from that time was just different.

Go grandma make sure that Mr. Cen only stays a vegetarian in terms of fodd but not in love hehehhe