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LoverOfArt April 12, 2024 4:36 pm

I feel s2 will be about Dan healing Journey, probably his grandma is there with him in this phase. So he’ll have to heal from his *Feelings* for the Jaek. He’ll most likely get a well todo Job and then in some way payback the Jaek(horse) his debt without keeping any personal contact with him. His feelings will obviously still be there(very faint) but he’ll be stronger now(hopefully to a good extent), have a better resolve and all.

Jaek(horse) on the other hand will pretend or lie to himself that he doesn’t need Dan, calling him a good for nothing and wanting to see how the hell Dan will pay him back. He’ll get a new physical therapist, also someone new to help his jinx(don’t know if the new doc will fill the shoes or he’ll use his old lover). His career will slowly but steadily go downhill from here. Not sure his character development will be worked on here because he’ll be in real denial about everything happening, having unnecessary outbursts.

He needs to be a better human being not just to Dan alone but to other people.

The real chasing arc will start probably at the end of s2 and start well in s3(if there will be such).

I’m just guessing and speculating lol. I could be 100% wrong. But I’ll love to see how it goes in s2.

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