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chi September 4, 2019 2:42 am

Unrelated I'M SORRY but research has not helped me.

A couple months ago I decided to dye my hair green. And you know, eventually I got tired of it and did not like it. When I first attempted to get rid of it, I used bleach. To my avail, it did nothing at all. It just made it a SLIGHTLY lighter green. So I just decided to dye it black.

It's been 2 (?) months now and the black is starting to fade on the back of my hair to a brownish/yellow color with green tints. This green just isn't going away.

I read that red cancels green but I'm not too keen on dying it red again because that was my color before I dyed it green. I actually want to go pastel pink. Btw my hair isn't too badly damaged. It's still really soft, I just have occasional fallout.

It's been awhile and I feel like doing it now because the black is fading. Anyone know how to get rid of green hair dye?

    GoldenScale September 4, 2019 3:17 am

    I think that from bleached to black you need to add red somewhere just to saturate your hair. You should try searching how to dye blonde hair black just to know which step you're missing.

    monnom September 4, 2019 3:23 am

    Go see a professional? In my experience, to pass from a dark shade to a very light one is difficult to realize nicely without professional help. And it damages your hair a lot less than if you do it at home. I hope your next dying process goes well! Good luck! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

chi August 24, 2019 5:32 am

Y'all. I need some help

These days I keep coming across shitty yaoi like tf. The semes are always dirty little hoes and treat the uke like shitttttt.. T_T

Can I get some recommendations where the uke and seme are in a loving relationship, lovey dovey etc. An example would be Tied Up In Twins. Also I don't mind other genres as well. An example of that would be This Girl Is A Little Wild

If anyone responds thanks in advance

SMH August 2, 2019 2:55 am

Okay I don't usually ask for help when looking for manga but.. can any of y'all drop some manga with cumming restraints.. like the seme grips the uke's dick hard before he cums..

bonus would be if the uke is crying and shit, you get what I mean?

Thanks in advance if anyone replies

CHERRI June 13, 2019 4:28 am

Off topic

My friend is having suicidal thoughts. She said I'm the only person she has seriously told, but I'm not exactly the best option. My way of thinking is a bit.. off. It's morbid.

I'm brutally honest, to a fault. I want to help her but I'm not sure I'll say the right thing.

She's lost her hobbies. She says she feels lazy and doesn't want to do anything. And when I asked her about what makes her happy she said drugs might help. She's staying up late, distracting herself by playing a mobile game.

She doesn't want to go to therapy because she knows that deep inside, they don't care. Her parents/siblings aren't very reliable because they are traditional immigrant parents. They will say it's all in her head and it's the hormones running wild.

Honestly, I'm concerned. What should I do?

    모리아티 yuri slayer June 13, 2019 4:32 am

    Date her

    Anonymous June 13, 2019 4:33 am

    I think you should tell her the reasons she has to live, like persuading her to live. then slowly try to get her back on the right track by offering her help.

    Fujoshi_Trash June 13, 2019 4:36 am

    Therapy, I know she doesn't exactly like that route, based on what you've said, but seriously therapy helps a ton, it seems like she doesn't really have someone to talk to and vent about things ya know, maybe draw vent art, and maybe keep little journals to talk about her feelings. But seriously, therapy helps a lot, even though they may seem like they don't care, at the end of the day, they're humans with emotions, they will want to help her improve and get better, their goal is to see someone mentally or physically improve. They are happy to see their patients get better.

    Zeffyra June 13, 2019 4:55 am

    Talk to her dear... just talk about anything and everything
    And dont start questions with WHY, it'll put her in a defensive side, which is a no no for suicidal pipz... dont use closed ended questions that will only be answered with yes, no or maybe
    Check out her previous hobbies, example if she liked painting... get on it too... approach her that u started having interest in paints and color and let her teach u... do things together and u may possibly open up her depressed shell and let her out of there...
    Hope this helps

    V.pix June 13, 2019 5:03 am

    Although, I never harmed myself, I do some dangerous thoughts (suicide) sometimes. Honestly, talking (giving comfort; "I'm here" and stuff like that) never gave me comfort. The best comfort for me was if someone shared their personal experience with me and talked to me and I talked about what I experienced. And also, try to find a new thing she can focus on or at least live for. For example, most of my main things to live for is the updates from novels and mangas I want to read as well as stationery supplies (since I love stationery). At the same time, it's not going to be something easily noticeable at her current stage because it may seem like nothing really matters. You can also take her out to have some fun, and if she isn't allowed to do that, then at least spend time with her. Whenever I was weak in the heart, just hanging out with my friends placed my mind off of the inferiority I felt living. No matter what or how insignificant it may seem, your support in ways such as being there (right there ready to let her express what she feels) is the most important. She may not have anything to hold onto for life right now so she needs something; be that. And don't let her surroundings influence her emotions too much, so no sad songs or movies or negativity. It may just push her off the brinking point. At the same time, try to build a stable emotional foundation. I use to not have a stable emotional foundation always thinking I wasn't worth the life I was given. That changed knowing I had things I wanted to live for such as novels and mangas and friends; not to mention I may even experience one of those fairytale romance if I lived long enough. Try to help her build a stable emotional foundation so that if you were never aware she was feeling suicidal, at least she wouldn't commit suicide quickly giving time to help her recuperate. Give her some limitations, like no self harm. Some people self harm themselves in order to feel better at the moment, but it's not the best method to coop with your emotions. I always told myself that those scar marks will be forever and the pain hurts. ( I really hate pain even if it was a paper cut; knowing that that pain is not just physical but also emotional stoped me) another limit is an age limit. Give her an age to die to. I said that if I don't meet someone to change my mind by the age of 50, bet my life I'm going to die a glorious death ( so I'll die at the age of 50 basically). One of the reason is by the age of 50 I fulfilled most of my wishes (first love, first kiss, skydiving, etc) Have her have something to look forward to and always be there for her. If you're the only person she told her thoughts to, she thought that you would always be there to support her. If you want to give her a helpful message, show her this. First, It's someone who faced something similar to what she's dealing with (whether she's dealing with something worst or what) and second, it shows you cared. You knew you may hurt her with your words if you weren't careful and you couldn't tell this to anyone else otherwise she might be found out even though she didn't want it to be known so you posted it where there was a least likely chance she would be found out. I hope this helped.

    moonbears June 13, 2019 6:11 am

    Therapy. She has untreated depression so of course you will be lost. At this point she needs professional help or she will get worse and kill herself.

CHERRI June 8, 2019 5:24 am

a bit of venting.

School just ended and I'm already depressed.. well, not really but I'm feeling really empty inside. This year was my last year with my friends and yet it doesn't feel like this is really happening. It's like I haven't processed it all through yet.

Doesn't growing up suck? You always have to say goodbye in the end.

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 5:42 am

    School is going to start in just a week. Doesn't life sucks.

    Right in the kokoro June 8, 2019 5:44 am

    Thats normal, its ok to be sad knowing things arent going to be the same with everyone going their own way and growing yp.

    Thatperson June 8, 2019 5:49 am

    Man I'm be a senior this August I'm not ready . I felt so weird even on last few days of junior. Idk I feel like I didnt do anything in my high school years I didn't join no spots club or anything like that. I'm a go home club. I know how u feel I don't want to grow up I just want to stay in high school with in care in the world, I really want to make my senior year great but I might move school so Idk anymore

    Anonymous June 8, 2019 6:04 am

    I remember in middle school I was so excited to grow up and be mature. now life is just shit

    MarketPlace June 8, 2019 6:07 am
    I remember in middle school I was so excited to grow up and be mature. now life is just shit @Anonymous

    Fuck that really sucks to read. I hope your life gets better in some ways.

    Clarus Lux June 8, 2019 6:32 am

    Dont worry. It is normal to feel depressed when school ends. Heck I yesterday was last day at my community college and I graduated. I am transferring to a University this fall.
    Today I hung out with friends the last time since I wont see them most of the time next semester. Most of them have few semester to go. It feels weird like it isn't real. I haven't process it either.....

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