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celestial created a topic of Surviving As A Maid

the queen makes me so sad like this is one of those rare manwha’s where I start crying for the character because idfc about these men bro omfg

Guys. Communication. Now. Please.

I understand the village’s wariness with Reina but it still makes me angry for her Also the way she’s being discredited…LIKEE ITS NOT THE SAINTESS HELPING YOU GUYS IT IS REINA

count your days…I hope Izek and everyone else beats your ass

I am so here for this plot.

celestial created a topic of Secret Lady

I am so glad that I am not the only one that has been getting confused and lost…

I live laugh love for the plot. And the way we see the characters develops..but this damn father…GET OUT!!!! BTW GOOD FOR YOU THEO!! USE YOUR IMPERIAL POWER TO KICK THAT SON OF A BITCH OUT!!!

I WAS NOT EXPECTING AN UPDATE AND FOR THE UPDATE TO BE SMUT But hey, I fw Leglis. This is some fanservice I approve. So fucking wild

Honestly I disliked how it kept dragging on Simon’s feelings for louise. And how he was forever just a lonely sad man from afar with his unrequited love. GIVE MY MAN A LOVER?? IF NOT THEN WHY NOT GO POLY? THEY PICKED UP THE THOUGHT OF A POLY RELATIONSHIP (hinted)

SIMOM DESERVES SOMETHING GOD DAMN. if stella…found happiness the second ML should find happiness too. Instead of being casted afar LIKE DAMN.

The dad and the light spirit makes me so angry. Wdym she’s tainted? SHE WAS JUST BORN?????!?! She could not do anything but bundle up and cry.

Ethan’s behaviour gives me mixed signals, but alas he truly is a loyal one..( ̄∇ ̄")

Ahhh Dorthea and Ray’s sibling bonding makes me so happy though, I hope we get to see moments like that again in the next season. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

MY FAVOURITE!! I would definitely reread this again soon. I laughed, I cried, I hollered at 3am. It was such a joy reading this. I watched the anime first but I was so upset there wasn’t a continuation after ep12. So I’m so happy I was able to read the complete series here!!

Regarding the ending…realistically it would be weird for some “random stranger” to come up to you saying, “found you.” HONESTLY I would have dashed the hell away! T~T Still cute and romantic though. 10/10 #noalina foreverrr (/TДT)/


I READ THIS ALL IN ONE SITTING AND I AM GOING INSANE OVER THE WHOLE STORY. awesome amazing the small smidge of smut was a bonus too ! (⌒▽⌒)

I genuinely was not expecting the plot twist. Jaw DROP

Eclis really has me so conflicted. Penelope’s relationship with him is soooo toxic. Like “I want to posess you” WOAH THERE…

The more Callisto comes into Penelope’s life the more I want them to be together. BUT THEN ONE OF THEM MESSES UP AND NOW IM CONFUSED WHETHER OR NOT I WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER ( ̄へ ̄)

shut up right now. "pretty impressive frog" SHUT UP RIGHT NOW