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that many people cannot read this because it was too frustrating and toxic for them... I'm not blaming or insulting anyone.

the tropes of these two ukes are quite common, and the author did well writing the storyline imho, they're living life however they could with what they had, this felt like a struggle to read because the characters are going through so much pain it makes me feel heartache just looking at them too

imho, the characters felt believable, karasuma growing up to become what he was because of his childhood(his father's decision to pull him from school when he was assaulted) made him feel that all he had was his body and he had to use it however he could to get what he wanted, it was fucked up though.
sumi has always been protrayed almost like a reckless "kusogaki"/tsundere and his choices does reflect that, when he said "I went and did something I can never take back" hit me like a truck I could feel the regret radiating from my phone screen. The two semes did what they could to support their partners (best boy Utou though)

And overall, it was realistic, for them in their world of course. THEIR. WORLD.
This was a great read, really, to those who hated it, sorry to hear that.

Megumi to Tsugumi is a pretty great read if you're into the more slice of life/green flag omegaverse stories.

azrael created a topic of Maria no Danzai

She already cut his ankles (im guessing the tendons)

azrael created a topic of Smyrna & Capri


azrael created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

is that it ends too quickly and too rushed. Like what happened to this masterpiece along with miscreants and mayhem??

azrael created a topic of High Clear

A part of me knows its wrong, but the other part of me just wants to say its just fiction and its not real.

I know yall wld say that its irresponsible and downright disgusting for the author to even have this chapter (and yes its very very unnecessary we can just skip to AFTER this section and there would be no difference to the 'plot') but right, its just a story man. Yes it does perpetuate an act that SHOULD NEVER be normalized but its really just a story and its just that. It sounds indifferent yes, but its just how I see it, its all fake. Never should anyone apply stuff they see in stories like this in real life, especially in romance materials. Especially since you don't know what the hell the other person feels and thinks unless, well, YOU COMMUNICATE, and when you do, you draw a line and there wld be consent, or a just get a no and you move on.

Basically, If I were to ask someone/potential romantic partner or just a friend or WHOEVER, "Is somnophilia rape?" and they tell me "No because according to blah blah blah manga/manhwa/manhua/novel/pornography the character enjoys it even though there is no consent" or anything of this sort you know damn well you gon stay the fuck away from this person.

Well, unless you like it, then its just a kink. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It's important to make this clear to your partner too, whether you like it or you hate it. (idk man people have weird kinks and fetishes and I genuinely am not surprised anymore, but as long as there is consent present anything goes i dunno-)

azrael created a topic of High Clear

the people who say that has no plot are people who are just like children that read comic books like picture books and words don't matter.

fk off if you can't read and stop bitchin about plot when it went straight over your heads you delusional fks

azrael created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Yeah the Yi-hyeok and Inseo storyline was alright i guess but COMPARED TO THIS SIDE COUPLE THAT SHIT WAS MILD. I've genuinely never felt more pissed off at a character, if a character is just gon be pegged as a rapist in a story, whatever, but I know for a fact thag this side couple is gon get together and THAT is what got me so pissed off.
Tak is just not a good character.