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Ao was Takeo’s sexual awakening. Ao and Shingo’s relationship was the turning point that shifted Takeo’s view on love. He went from wanting something casual to wanting to create a life-long relationship. Without the events from the prequel, Takeo might have never looked in Wako’s direction. And even if he falls for Wako, it would have taken longer for Takeo to realize his feelings because Wako was determined to never confess to a man who only loves women.

I do think it’s inevitable that Takeo falls for Wako because Wako has always been his number one priority. But it would be mad traumatic if AU Takeo figures out those feelings after he marries a woman. *cough* knock on wood *cough*

That argument in ch.5 was a mess because neither Takeo nor Wako were on the same page and both were too stubborn to give in to the other. Wako, being the self-deprecating fool that he is, wanted to know who was the first guy Takeo loved because he still thinks Takeo loves that guy. Takeo, on the other hand, is frustrated with Wako not believing his love and thinking he is in love with another. It’s almost like his love is a joke to Wako.

Even the trigger of that argument was a misunderstanding. Takeo saw Wako’s expression after speaking with Shingo and wanted to find out how Shingo made Wako upset. While, Wako thought it was because Takeo had something to hide. And maybe subconsciously, Takeo does want to hide this. This is his first serious relationship, and he is constantly afraid his lover would flee. This anxiety is new to Takeo and he is unsure how to deal with it. With casual relationships, if things don’t work out, just break up. But neither wants to break up and thank goodness they worked things out somehow. On that note, I want to read a sequel where they grow into more mature versions of themselves ahhhhh ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

I honestly would love to see more of Takeo’s POV though, because I can imagine all that angst underneath his calm composure.