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Dangerous Convience Store- Ch.37

Love Me Doctor!- Ch.26

Love Me Doctor!- Ch.26

Love Me Doctor!- Ch.26

Night of Ecstasy asked question about question

Who do you believe is the most evil character in fiction? Could be from a book or movie or show or game or whatever. Who is that one character that you think is the most evil, irredeemable POS? For me, it's a toss up between AM (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream) and Judge Holden (Blood Meridian).

Night of Ecstasy like the answer
i'm half joking but also not really because whenever this guy talked about his past i always felt terrible
Night of Ecstasy answered question about read 1000 manga or more
Not the saddest ones here but definitely worth a mention. Ice King (Adventure Time): -Protected a young Marceline by wearing a crown that gave him ice powers. He slowly went insane and had to push her away. Centuries later he becomes the lunatic Ice King who became obsessed with princesses because he once called his (long missing) wife "princess"......
Night of Ecstasy add 1 photos to Kissy Kissy

Bye Bye- Ch.14


  • Author: Zarame same
  • Genres: Yaoi

•Sub has a one night stand with a Dom to help with his sub desires.
•Dom shows up at Sub's workplace as a new hire.
•Dom asks Sub to be his partner.



  • Author: Zarame same
  • Genres: Yaoi

•Uke has a one night stand with Seme.
•Seme shows up at his workplace as a new hire.
•Seme asks Uke to be his partner.


  • Author: Zarame same
  • Genres: Yaoi

•Sub has been suppressing his desires until he finally decides to have a one night stand with a Dom.
•That Dom then gets hired at Sub's workplace and asks Sub if he can be his partner.

Night of Ecstasy answered question about question
Found it back in 2016 when I was looking for where to read Killing Stalking. Regretted reading it but I stayed on the site for other content.
Night of Ecstasy answered question about read 1000 manga or more
This is my time to shine! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ -Noi (Dorohedoro) -Nikaido (Dorohedoro) -Fubuki (One-Punch Man) -Maria (Maria no Danzai)
Night of Ecstasy answered question about question
My mom believes I have no libido whatsoever because I'm ace but I do. It's not big enough to act on it but it's still there. Not really much of a secret, I just never bothered to correct her because "actually mom I DO have something of a sex drive!" is a weird thing to say to your mom.
Night of Ecstasy answered question about question
I got two: Mated to The Ruthless Alpha has art that hurts to look at. It makes ALL the characters look ugly. Some are less ugly than others but not by much. 99.99% Lover's artstyle isn't as bad as the other one but it makes certain scenes and characters look weird. Like this big ass baby for instance. To be clear, I can tolerate bad artstyle if ......
Night of Ecstasy answered question about question
It's more the issue that rape is usually romanticized and alot more personal. Usually a murder is seen as a bad thing in manga but rape? Especially in yaoi? No. Not to mention atleast with murder its more a grey issue than a black or white one (like self defense). Rape is rape regardless of context. And, as people already stated, just because you'r......
Night of Ecstasy created a topic of High Clear

I really hope after this we get a side story on Do-yoon or something. I don't know. I'm just really interested in this character but we don't get too much on him.

Night of Ecstasy asked a question

Anyone got recommendations for ones with disabled ukes? Similar to Legs That Won't Walk or Cry Me a River?