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Vinegar created a topic of PASSION

That's what you fucking get, Ilay!!! Aaah~ man, don't ya love seeing him get a bit spooked? Wish it would last but from what I know of the raws Tay is the one getting fucked over(again)

Vinegar created a topic of kiss on the piano

The ending was kinda underwhelming ngl...

Vinegar created a topic of PASSION

RIP Tay's ass. He's gonna be walking funny for a while after Ilay is done with him(and with his(Ilay's)personality thats gonna be never)

Vinegar created a topic of PASSION

Ilay is just playing with his rambunctious lover in the forest complete with pink bubbles and sparkles, while Tay's mind is going full survival horror mode lmao

Vinegar created a topic of PASSION

Ilay would be a great horror antagonist. Not to say I don't enjoy/love his character but damn... Man's scary as fuck. Sorry you had to catch that guys attention Tay....

Vinegar created a topic of Dreadful Night

I'm already so looking forward to season 2!!!!