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Stef already read

Craig has been thinking a lot about death lately. Working thirteen-hour shifts to pay off his father...

  • Author: Jung Seokchan
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Romance

Wth!!!!! There's so many things to say I don't know how to start! Buttttttt I love this so much! I'm glad I stumbled upon this! There's a story, a plot, happy and sad moments and also thrill! This is so gooooooood! Even the smut is good like it's not the usual horny type but you know it's emotional, it's deeper and meaningful. That's what making the smut even good. I've been binge reading Bl's this days and I'm so happy to find something refreshing and unique! Ahhhhhh I can't believe I already finished this! What am I supposed to do now huh?