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lilac created a topic of Stranger
lilac created a topic of Again

Of course he was going to show up! how could you doubt him for an instant?

lilac created a topic of Under the Green Light

this chapter was way too short

lilac created a topic of My Suha

I dont want them to be end game!

lilac created a topic of Wolf In The House
lilac created a topic of Backlight

is every character gorgeous?

lilac created a topic of My Suha

Where did it all go so wrong?!

lilac created a topic of Under the Green Light

I wish I could remember everything, like the missing chapters

lilac created a topic of Colorize
lilac created a topic of Love Replica
lilac created a topic of Again

I love their relationship, how they flirt, how they have each others backs and respect each other.

lilac created a topic of End it

Same old song and dance but the art work is pretty

lilac created a topic of Sketch
lilac created a topic of Reunion
lilac created a topic of Rivalry

yikes. this is me and my exes

lilac like the answer
I'm a simple human, just don't freakin' chew loudly or even made sounds out of your mouth when eating (besides talking tho that's different). That throws me off so much no matter what is the occasion. I'll understand if it's a cultural thing but if it's not..fvck off
lilac created a topic of Jinx

Im liking the second coupleლ(´ڡ`ლ)