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CoralSnake111 already read

Seo Yoon Seul, who's lived a perfect life so far, becomes a wreck when he starts having nightma...

  • Author: Chobom
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Slice Of Life / Webtoons / Drama

So I’m sceptical but willing to try it out, it seems cute and the plot is interesting but the second hand embarrassment from the mc’s absolutely bs is going to kill me

Edit 1#. WHAT THE F- I normally am pretty chill when it comes to the relationship between the uke and the seme but TWICE IS ENOUGH?!?!? I had to think hard about dropping it because that was devastating

Edit 2# okayyyy it’s cute I’ll give it that but the absolute tomfoolery that occurs hurts my heart like yall arent playing

Edit after finishing: god!! It was so cute but I did want to kill myself after every conclusion these boys came up with when they were in their own heads, like please communicate I pray