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Kian01 created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

I'm really depressed after reading the 1st volume of this story.

This book actually have 3 storylines.

1st the original main story which is so tragic and depressing.

2nd story is about Arok given the 2nd chance to live his life again. He goes back to the time where he first meet Kloff, with all his memories from his 1st life intact and Kloff only have dreams of his 1st life but not full memories. They have the happy ending in this storyline.

3rd story is about Kloff given the 2nd chance to live his life again. He also go back to the time where he first meet Arok, with all his memories from his 1st life intact and Arok only have dreams of his 1st life. They also have happy ending in this story but not the same as the 2nd storyline.

In the side stories of 2nd and 3rd storyline it explains in the dreams that the 1st storyline actually have a happy ending. Arok survived his death and Kloff promise to treasure Arok, make things right for them, leave the pass behind and live anew life together with their children.

*Edit: the side story are only dreams to make a happy ending for V1. Of course the happy ending is the idea that V1 become a part of a REALLY bad dreams and never happened physically in their own reality. V2 becomes Arok's reality and V3 becomes Kloff's reality, fair enough(▰˘◡˘▰)